Potty Training Frustration - Boston,NY

Updated on October 17, 2008
K.P. asks from Boston, NY
4 answers

I know this seems to be the most talked about subject, but I feel like I'm pulling my hair out. My 2 1/2 year old daughter has been showing signs of being ready to potty train for a while now. She knows all the mechanics, (pulling her pants down, sitting on the potty, wiping, flushing, washing her hands) but when it comes to actually doing it, she throws FITS. If I tell her to go sit on the potty, she throws a tantrum, if I ask her to she says she doesnt' have to go. We went out and bought her new underwear, and she loves wearing them, but still refuses to sit on the potty. I've tried making her sit on the potty every 20 minutes or so (with alot of fighting and arguing from her), she will sit, do nothing then get up, walk in her room and pee on the floor. Then she comes out and tells me, and she thinks it's funny. I feel like i'm running out of patience with the whole thing. I know I just have to relax and be patient, but it's getting really really hard not to upset because I sometimes feel like she does it on purpose. Does anyone have ANY suggestions on how i can get through this without losing my mind?

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answers from New York on

I think I cried as much as my son when starting to potty train him. But all of a sudden it just clicked. Once he understood what it meant to feel like he had to go to the bathroom, it got easier and he got more into trying. I would say definitely don't force her to go and I think we were trying to go every hour, not every 20 minutes. I started out playing games and telling/reading stories while he sat on the potty to try to go and sometimes even that lasted 10-20 minutes with nothing to show for it just to get into the routine.
I found something my son really liked and used it as incentive. He liked DVDs and trips to the park and ice-pops so if he cooperatied and went on the potty or had no accidents at day-care, when he got home he'd get to pick something as a treat. If he didn't cooperate, no reward. Eventually this worked and while the reward had to continue well after he was proficient at the potty, it eased my nerves, was easy to enforce and he seemed much happier. I suggested the reward to my friend and she started seeing progress after a week or two on her 3 year old.
I just kept telling myself that no one goes to kindergarden in diapers! Good luck and be patient.



answers from New York on

Based on everything you've written, regardless of her interest, she's clearly not ready. We all want perfect kids who are potty trained early (especially in this economy), but the truth is, she'll do it when she's ready, and not a minute before. By forcing her, you can push her to regress. Just follow her cues. She'll let you know when she's ready.



answers from New York on

Don't stress. My daughter did the same exact thing at 2 1/2. She loved wearing her " big girl underwear" but despite my putting her on the toilet every 20 minutes she would still pee on the floor and give me an " I am sorry Mamma". I finally decided that we both needed a rest from the potty training and told her that we were going to stop for a while. I put away her underwear for about 3 weeks and put her back in pull ups. One morning she said she had to go potty ...I put her on the toilet and she went. I praised her ALOT and I have to say she has only had one accident since. She started pre-school in September ( 2 week after she was "trained' ) and she has not had any accidents in school. So try taking a break and see if that helps. When she is really ready she will let you know. I promise it will happen. Hope that helps.



answers from New York on

Dear K.,

I think you should lay off for a bit and give it a try in a month or so. If you keep forcing her she will rebel even more. Potty training should be done when you are both relaxed and not uptight. The worst thing you can do is keep haunting her to go. Keep in mind that she is only two and a half and even though she physically can do it emotionally she is not ready. The more or an issue you make of it the more of an issue it will become. Lay off for a few weeks and then maybe take her shopping to buy some big girl underwear and make a big deal out of it. Try to be happy and upbeat and even when she has an accident do not get upset or engage in conversation just change her and remind her she is a big girl and let mommy know next time. I know diapers are costly and a pain, however I think if you lay off for a while she will respond when she is ready. Good luck!!

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