Potty Training for a Devlopmentally Delayed Child

Updated on January 14, 2011
L.D. asks from Melrose, MA
9 answers

advise on how to potty train a 3 year old with delays.... my DD is falling under the autisim umbrella with sensory issues she also has speech delays....my question is how can I potty train her she knows when she poops and when she wets her pants but she just refuses to go on the potty I have tried sticker rewards charts M & M 's DVDS with no success. She really does get mad if I even ask her to go sit on the potty one day she hit me in the face with her stool. I even tried rubber pants and it just doesn't seem to phase her .....any advice would be great

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answers from Providence on

There are lots of 3 year olds who are not on the spectrum who are not potty trained, so I would not push it right now with her. If she is getting any services (OT/Speech/etc) you may want to talk to her service providers and see what they say. She may be working on so many other things socially, that this may be too stressful for her right now. Best of luck!

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answers from Spokane on

I hate to tell you this, cause you may not want to hear it, but this may have to wait a while longer! :( I don't have any experience with this issue directly, but hearing how she is responding sounds like it's just too overwhelming emotionally for her right now. Is she in early intervention preschool? She may be more cooperative for her teachers, you could ask if they would help you out on getting started.

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answers from Springfield on

I am ignorant as to how the additional challenges presented by your DD's developmental delays relates to using the toilet, so our experience may be useless, but...
After gently trying a few different ideas: watching videos on using the toilet (there are plenty at your library!), reading books on it, and suggesting it's use daily - all failed - we asked our son when he was going to stop wearing diapers. He said "when I'm four" and on his fourth birthday the diapers were gone and he was on the pot! Had one relapse a month or so later while on a vacation which we handled with the promise of a little ice cream for dessert if the toilet was used, and have never had a problem since. I think giving him the control helped, maybe it would for your little one, too? Best wishes!

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answers from Philadelphia on

I have an 8 year old with Autism and she is just now potty training with occasional accidents during the day. At night she still uses pull ups. I have talked to people with kids as old as 12 and still potty training. Keep trying and know it will take time.



answers from Columbus on

My 4 year old is also on the spectrum with sensory issues and speech delays and is partially potty trained. When he's at daycare he goes most of the time because they are on a strict schedule (he's still in mixed aged-toddler class) and the "peer pressure" works. But at home, he refuses to potty on his own other than right after breakfast and right before bath time. He's about to start an ABA therapy program and the psychologist assured me that he could be potty trained in a weekend once the program is underway. I'm sceptical, but definitely willing to give it a shot. She didn't describe the process so I don't have any tips to pass on other than sitting her on the potty every hour. When I'm changing his pullup I "remind" him he's supposed to use the potty but I don't have the energy to try anymore. There are so many other issues we're working on with him, I've just decided to let the experts handle this one.



answers from Boston on

I drive special needs students, and I have a 16 year old who is not potty trained.



answers from Philadelphia on

Th only way I have ever seen success at this age was with discreet trial type training.



answers from Minneapolis on

3 is still young - even for some kids without delays. My 9 (will be 10 this month) yr old with delays is still being potty trained. Put the diapers back on and let go of the stress, wait 6 months and try again. She will get it eventually (or maybe not, who knows) but clearly she is not ready now (even if you are :)).

Good luck!



answers from San Francisco on

I just wrote what I did on another post (and have in previous posts) so if you go through my old answers you may find a method that works.

Good luck. I went through a very difficult potty training with my middle son and it is certainly not fun.

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