Hi Stephanie,
I also tried potty training early. My son was a lot tougher than my daughter just because up until he was 2 he would urinate every 15 or so minutes.I found it was just too often for him not to get frustrated that he had to be on the potty all the time. How often does your son go? If it is more than every hour it is truly very hard.
Some strategies I used.
Keep a log of the times that he goes to the bathroom. do it over a few days to see if there is a pattern.
Offer the toilet immediately when he wakes.
Put the potty in a spot that is close to where he plays during the day. In the bathroom is great but out of sight for the little ones is out of mind.
Look for signs of him going to number 2s if he is not verbalizing this and put him on the potty even if it is half way thru. My daughter has done number 2s on the potty since she was 11 months my son 13 months.
If you can work out the intervals between urinations set a stop watch and make sure you are offering to put him on the potty 5-10 min before the interval is up. My son loved a book No more diapers for ducky. I would read it to him and then he would sit and read it to himself while we waited to see if he would go. I would read or sing with him until he went or got to bored.
Make sure you potty has a high front cause little boys tend to have aim issues. My son hated that he was on the potty but still got his socks wet.
If he went we did a wee wee dance.
Let him watch you go to the potty and have his close by. My daughter loves to go to wee wees when i go.
If it works great if not wait a few weeks and try again.
If you have success and he's going to the potty regularly try putting him in underwear. You my son really started to realize the whole deal when he noticed that his underwear were wet. Also you can make a big deal about his big boy underwear. Is he walking?
Summer is better than winter for this. My son really learnt a lot when I let him run around in the backyard with no clothes on and mention to him when he went. It got to the point that he would tell me i went wee wee and then slowly i need to go wee wee and I had the potty out there with him.
Anyway hope this helps. Twelve months is really early though for a boy but good luck. Going to number 2s should work out but catching all of the number ones would have been very hard with my son at that age.