Why on earth would she make the effort to use the potty, when she can not use the potty and you will continue changing her diapers? She's 33 months - more than old enough to be potty trained. The thing is, you have to be the mommy here and not wait for her to decide she feels like doing it. Make the decision that it's going to happen, inform her of the decision, and throw away all the diapers. Then, on a weekend when you don't have anywhere to go, make her run around naked from the waist down and anytime you think she might have to go, get her to the potty. It's tough, but don't give in! Stick with it. She will fight you at first because she's 2, and that's what they do at this age. Just stick to your guns and keep at it. If she pees on the floor, don't get mad. Just say, "Next time you'll make it to the potty," and make sure she does. It took about 3 days to potty train my youngest this way (the older one, I just explained what needed to happen and about 4 hours later she was good to go and totally trained - but I don't think that's normal =).
Anyhow, don't worry about scarring her for life. It's potty training, not nuclear war. It's just a skill, like learning to dress herself or learning to eat with a spoon. No need to make it a big emotional thing. Just be matter-of-fact about it and she'll get with the program pretty quickly.