I have a 3 year old boy and have been working on potty training for a while now. Some tricks that have helped a little, we are still working on some of the finer datails.
I put a drop of blue food color in the toliet and had him try to "turn the color green by putting some pee-pee in the potty." Since it was turned into a game- it worked really well.
Also, you need to give hime some privacy and check on him. In addition, consider if you are using the small potty for toddlers or the big toliet with the child seat. My child doesn't like the little potty. If he doesn't care about going in his pants, switch him to the pull up that turn cold when wet- my child hated that feeling.
Also be patient. It is a process. We have been working with my son for about 6 months. He is good about number 1 as long as we take him frequently, but number 2 he still wants to do in his pants. Try to remain calm and reward him when he goes potty. I also did a "potty dance" and song when he went- which my son thought was really funny.
I hope that helps!