Potty Regression - Mountain View,CA

Updated on October 14, 2010
E.L. asks from Mountain View, CA
5 answers

Greetings Moms and Dads,

We have a somewhat stressful situation with potty training. My twin sons, now 3 years and 3 months old, started potty training about 4 months ago. The first twin still did not get it, and the second twin got it almost immediately. Everything was going fine for two months, and all of a sudden he regressed. Since then for the past two months, he sometimes remembers to use the potty, and sometimes not. Some days, like today, he did not use it at all. Usually if we sit him on the potty he would go, but sometimes would fight off, or simply forgets. He definitely has control over it, but for some reason he let's go and does not pay attention to it. Other days he is fine, and does not have accidents. An occasional accident would not concern me, it is just when all day long, whether at home or in ore-school he is going into his pants. It concerns me -- I can't figure out the reason. He may not be feeling well, and there were occasional stressors, but there are no stressful events or situations that have been going on for 2 months! Meanwhile, my first boy still have not mastered the process, except occasionally he uses potty for number 2, no pee in the potty in 4 months! Right now we are trying to be regular and take them both to potty, but still the son who got it, pees and poops in his pants. Any advice, similar experience, what do you think can be done to help, and why this might be happening?
Thanks in advance!

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answers from San Francisco on

Hello E.,
I can totally relate. We are just getting through the same issue. My daughter who turned 3 in June potty trained pretty early and very quickly at 2. In July I started watching a friends baby and the regression started. It started with wet spots that got bigger and bigger and then the poop accidents came as well. What has worked for us so far; First off, we tried not to make a big deal about it. Then we'd hand her some flushable wipes and clean clothes and tell her to go clean herself up. Intially we had to show her how. Also, to encourage her to actually make it to the potty, we started a sticker chart that earns an item from the treasure chest. The treasure chest contains small items that we find while we're out that she'll like. We started off with 6 stickers earns a prize so that it was possible to earn something in a single day. As she did better we increased the number needed. I think we are now at almost 2 weeks with no accidents. We've now transferred the tresure box to other areas that need improvement. All in all after trying several techniques, it lasted a little over 2 months.

The best of luck to you!




answers from San Francisco on

You must be so frustrated with all that laundry! I don't have any magic advice, but want to mention my experience with my daughter. We started potty training at 2 and a half. She quickly got the peepee thing, but had a major regression after her brother was born around her third birthday. she would just hold it in almost all day. She's now about a month and a half from her 4th birthday and I JUST got her off the pull ups for poop. It took all my patience and love and more patience but she had to be ready.
Finally, I told her I wasn't going to buy any more pull ups and she has now started using the potty. But it's not easy for her.
I was always under the impression that potty training was a relatively quick process (except for nighttime). I had no idea it could drag on for months.
Hate to say it, but maybe your boys aren't ready? Would they go back to diapers if you let them?



answers from Harrisburg on

You have to be patient and remember even if the stressors are not ongoing, it only takes one event to scar his mindset. Hopefully this is not the case. He may be fearful of something. They usually start being afraid at this age. It could have caused the regression. Keep working with them. I pray it gets better soon. I know how frustrating it can get.



answers from Scranton on

I have a very stubborn 3 year old. He did the same as your son,was doing great then regressed, some days good some bad. We put him in daycare 3 days a week for socialization and in hopes he will see how other children act. He has been in for 4 weeks and never had anaccident there yet! Sometimes he will have and accident at home but is rare. Sorry I couldn't be more help.



answers from San Francisco on

When my daughter regressed I put her back in pull ups at the advice of her preschool and doctor (the preschool recommended having her checked for a UTI because in one 3-hour stretch she had 3 accidents, used the potty once at their instruction and had also gone right before she went to school that morning so 5 times in 3.25 hours). Basically, it had become a big, stressful power struggle. I told her to tell me when she was ready to go back to underwear. I did not pressure her or anything. Every couple of days I reminded her that she was going to tell me when she was ready to wear underwear again. After about 12 days, she decided to wear underwear and that was that, no more accidents. Looking back, I don't think she was ready when I started potty training, that may be the case with your boys. Their bodies have to be ready physiologically. My recommendation would be to put them both back in pull ups and tell them to let you know when they're ready to wear big boy underwear (buy some cool looking ones).
Good luck.

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