I think asking your friends is not a bad thing at all. True friends would truly understand. Being a single mom with two kids I forget to ask for help or think I am being a burden. I found out everyone is willing to help, just sometimes you need to ask for a break! :)
I took Zoloft after my first due to the crying and worrying about every little thing. I delivered her two days before 9/11 and was a emotional basket case with the hormones and feeling like the country was falling apart, I went on serious crying binges and was such a wreck.
I was on them four months then got off them and a cloud had lifted.
It truly helped me focus on my newborn girl and be in the now without all the crying. Crying is good, but not all the time.
You don't have to feel like you want to hurt yourself to be depressed or grumpy for that matter.
Talk seriously to your Dr to see what he feels is going to help. If he truly thinks the Zoloft will help, try it. It has side effects of insomnia the first week you take it. I had to take Ambien just for one week to make sure I was getting the rest I needed. I honestly think it takes a few good weeks for hormones to readjust, not to mention you have a lot on your plate. Zoloft won't fix the problem but help you cope without emotions getting in the way.
If the good days outweigh the bad, I wouldn't take it until you have had a few weeks for your hormones to readjust.
With sleep deprivation too that can reek havoc on emotions, keep that in mind when you have a newborn.
Nap when the baby does, don't forget to ask for help now and again and look out for yourself.
Ask someone at church, a neighbor or any friend you have to give you some time to rest and have downtime for yourself. I know how hard it is trying to do it all on your own.
I didn't tak the Zoloft when I was pumping. My daughter had issues with actual breast feeding so I pumped for a few months after having her. Even though I was assured by the Pediatrician and the OBGYN that it was safe. I just waited a few months of pumping and started it and put my daughter on formula.
Good luck and God Bless