Post Baby Brith Control

Updated on April 11, 2009
R.T. asks from Cicero, NY
5 answers

What's your preferred post-baby birth control method? I have a 2 week old son who was a little bit of a surprise (after it took a year to get pregnant with his almost 2-year-old sister!). I did not go back on the pill after my daughter (she was breast-fed) and don't particularly want to go back on it this time (nursing again) My husband and I don't really like condoms. I am nursing, also. What method did you use post baby, and how did it work for you? I don't think I'm particularly interested in natural family planning... I don't think I want to have to pay that much attention.

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answers from Casper on

I was in your same boat and chose to have the Mirena inserted. I really didn't have problems with having it put in or during the course of the yr that I had was trying to have it removed that cause the most problems. Long story short, I ended up with a D&C because it wasn't coming out. Right now I use a product called VCF that you can get out at Walmart. You don't have to use a condom with it, but you can. It is just a foam that you insert into your vagina before intercourse and it protects against pregnancy. If you want to know more about my IUD story just ask and I would be willing to share. Good luck in your search and I hope that you find what works for you.



answers from Salt Lake City on

You know i have a three week old baby and I definitly have the same question. I was on the shot for birth control and it took forever to get pregnant after that so I don't really want to do that again. I don't know what is a good method either.



answers from Great Falls on

Mirena IUC is working great for me. I was able to get it at my 6 week check-up. Some people have to wait a little longer - depending on how quickly your uterus gets back in shape. I have a friend who decided to do the nuvo ring (sp?). She has a 9 month old son and just found out she is prego again - which definitely was NOT in the plan. Guess that one didn't work too well. Also had a few friends get prego while breast-feeding - I would not recommend that as a birth control because it is NOT. Good luck in whatever you choose.



answers from Denver on

I loved my IUD! I too had the non-hormone one (hormones make me CRAZY) for 6 years. After the first few months I didn't think about it ever. I just had it taken out last week to try for a 2nd, but it was great!



answers from Denver on

I had a non-hormone IUD for 5 years before we started a family and will definatly have one again. The side effect is that it can make periods a little heavier but I never noticed anything. Talk to your OB about it.

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