Oh Hunny!!! I have been there also!!! My son was the same way!!! Well if this helps any....We finally went against all suggestions and realized he just wasn't ready!!! It must have been so because out of the blue one day he decided he would go potty and he would. He wore pull-ups and I would help him when he felt he needed to go!! I didn't force him and didn't make him wear undies...I tried that for a while also....but he just didn't care!! He would pee or poop on himself and just didn't care!!!
I let him wear pull-ups and we would just reinforce him with every change that he would soon be like the other big boys and lets keep trying!!! We also tried rewards....like 7 days of dry we would get a toy or movie. Finally he was about 3 1/2 to 4 before we got him trained. I know that he wasn't the only boy that has done this and we also talked to the Dr. about it!! He just now is starting to be dry at night!!! Just make a big deal out of it. Yeah!!! You can do it...I know you are a big boy!!! The last 3 nights have been dry!!! Yeah!!! The Cars movie is what he is working towards.
Just keep working at it, but don't force!!! Keep positive reinforcement #1!!! GOOD LUCK!! HOPE THIS HELPS!!! Feel free to ask me more!!