honey take the first miscarriage as a clue. i'll tell you from experience that having a baby THAT YOUNG is not a good idea. i was pg with my first (now 8-and divorced from her daddy) at 19 (married) 20 when she was born. Granted she's my life and truly a blessing and i'll give my life for her, i'm literally in a way "tied down" compared to a lot of people i went to school with. her dad and i are divorced and i can't just move to another state or country just because i want to like i could if we were not divorced. or if i lived first.. i can't just up and go to the beach, or to that cruise i want to go on (been trying to plan 1 for 5 years)
live your life a little, you're fresh out of high school get you a degree in college, then make a family. It sucks sitting in the walfare line begging for help to feed or even diaper your baby and get denied or not as much as you need AND having to miss out on your baby growing up because you have to work nights in your department store and sleep by day (asuming you have help to keep the baby) instead of being at home rocking your baby to sleep or singing those silly songs and making a racket with your baby just to have fun. although that's not my life now, and i now have a good career, m-f the begining stunk, and well, i only have 10 years left to "raise her" when i should JUST now be having babies.
my advice...go to the doctor if your female parts hurt but hold off on having a baby..it's HARD and many are quick to call DHS and remember once you do have a baby, you can't just quit, it truly is life changing....yes she is the ONLY one i have and because i didn't wait for her, she's going to be almost grown before i can give her a sibling (besides her steps) which sux for me too, because there's things i WANT to do that i can't do because i have to take care of her and any other's i dreamt of having growing up.
parent hood is not easy and in my opinion, EVERYONE should wait until around about 30....seriously (i'm now 27 and still just now THINKING about baby #2) but still seems far off in the distance mainly because there are things i want to do but can't because i HAVE to take care of the ONLY child i have.
i am not telling you what's best for you based on your age, just from MY perspective, it's best to wait.........good luck
O and i completely understand the pain of losing a baby, i was pregnant with #2 3 years ago, and miscarried at 5 months-was given the option to know what it was! it hurts and because of that pain i've delayed because i can't bear the pain to lose another...and have to tell my daughter she wont be getting a sibling.