Whoa - by my count, this child is napping 5-6 times a day - 5:30 AM, 8:00 AM, 10:30 AM (?), 12:30 PM, 2:30 PM, and 5:30 PM. Then he goes to sleep at 7-ish.
So he's constantly up and down. None of his naps last very long, so he's not getting really good sleep. That's probably making him more fussy and whiny.
You need to get out more - stroller or errands - let him breathe the fresh air, be stimulated by other people/sights/sounds, and so on. Take him on errands, let him look at people in the mall or the stores, go sit on a swing in a park, and so on. Let him watch other kids. Go the library for a story - it's a new place, and there will be other kids there. Our library has story hours but also free play and puppet shows etc. Join or start up a play group that takes turns at different homes. Go to a local farm if you have one - let him look at the animals. Get a book on animal sounds. Take a long walk - even if he falls asleep in the stroller, you're getting out. He'll get more stimulation and he'll sleep longer at each clip. He should probably be on 2 naps a day.
Now, scale back your expectations for the house. You don't need to clean all that much, give yourself a break. Don't make the beds every day. Do more of the work on the weekend when your husband can take over the parenting. Try to cook a few meals on Sunday, then eat them during the week so that the daily prep is less. Sounds like his dad sees him 30 minutes a day, not counting during your dinner time. That's not enough.
So, give yourself a break, stop trying to do so much, and realize that you ARE a good mom even if you don't cater to your child's every need in 2 seconds.