I don't know if you've heard of this group, but it's called MOPS which is short for mother's of preschoolers. http://www.mops.org/Groups/group_search.php?srctype=searc... this is the website, it will give you a list of MOPS groups in the Olympia area. You can also check it out and see if it would be something you're interested in. Also, I don't know if you and your husband have gone to church. My church has many young children, and a wonderful group of mom's. We don't have a MOPS group, but if your not interested in actual groups just friends that you can get together with whenever you have time, your perfectly welcome to come.
http://www.olympiabp.net/Home.html This is the website for my church, it also has our address if you would be interested. Let me know if your interested. Church can be a great place to find friends for children. I hope you find something that suits your needs.