I had to be very good about this when we were on vacation. I was feeding 6 people and didn't want to throw away food when we left.
Night one, I ordered pizza. While I ordered pizza because we were on vacation, I have found that I can purchase my favorite cheese pizza I can add what ever I want before it goes in the oven. So let's say you used diced onion and green peppers.
Night two, make spaghetti and use the leftover diced onion and peppers.
Night three, make chicken or turkey dish.
Night four, use the leftover chicken or turkey from night three and the leftover cooked pasta and make chicken/turkey pasta salad or pasta bake.
Night five, make hamburgers from the extra ground beef from night two's spaghetti dish, which you froze and thawed out in the frige on night four.
Or something like that!