There are a lot of different "schools of thought" on this topic.
Our daughter had to see a speech therapist specializing in food issues from age 7mos-12mos because she refused ALL spoon foods. We eventually figured out she had 3 legitimate medical problems and she finally started eating from a spoon around 10mos, finger foods around 12mos. So anyways, the therapist said that you could kind of do both- be tough and lenient at the same time. You know, find common ground. He is NOT going to die of starvation, but on the other hand a huge battle is not worth the trouble either. Most of the time eating issues are phases.
In the end, we were told to never make special food for her. To always only offer some version of what you are eating. Then let the child pick out what they want off the plate and dont make a huge fuss about what they dont eat. Kids can turn this whole business into a game of manipulation very easily. He will eat when he's hungry, but you dont have to dig your heels in either. Compromise, pick your battles, but dont cater to his every whim.
Hope that helps. I'm sure you'll get very different answers to your question! In the end, he'll survive no matter what you do. I would really ask your pediatrician, or rather the nurse. They can answer a lot of questions on nutrition and when to worry and when to just say "whatever".