Photographer - Dallas,TX

Updated on February 16, 2012
A.E. asks from Dallas, TX
7 answers

Hello everyone! Can anyone recommend a super photographer? I'd like to take some family pictures of all 6 of us.

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answers from Dallas on

We use Melanie Johnson for our photographs.

ETA: She is based out of McKinney. I don't like photos that looked overly posed and she is great at capturing moving shots--looks like artwork!

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Dallas on

This photographer is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She has done pictures of my boys and many others that I know.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Dallas on

I have a GREAT photog, but she only works off of referrals. Her name is Kimberly Craig and this is her email:​ She is also super cheap as she wants families to return to capture more moments instead of waiting years in between as some photographers get greedy. She is great with kids, she is super accomodating too.

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