Hi T.,
I'm the mom of an eight month old little boy. I too started getting my period when he was about eight weeks old. I did with my daughters as well. I'm still breastfeeding, although he's starting to wean recently. The milk supply does go down, especially near the time of your period, I have mine right now so I know LOL! Some suggestions are to try to pump right after feeding him, more demand will bring up the supply. In Feb. I also starting giving my son a bottle of formula at the last feeding, b/c I knew it would really fill him up. Just recently he seems not to be getting enough at all. Some tips some of my friends gave me was to eat certain foods such as oatmeal, almond, most nuts actually b/c it's supposed to increase milk supply. There's also mother's milk tea that seems to help. Keep up the good work, I'm going to try to stretch it to at least nine months, this month it's really lightened up unfortunately, but just know that you've given him a good start regardless of how long you'll continue.