i get that, too, but not just before my period. it developed about three years ago, and the whole exterior feels bruised and highly sensitive, almost like pins and needles, especially to the touch (or, pardon the tmi, if i pull the pubic hair). it feels like i bruised the pubic bone sometime. i went to my ob/gyn, who thinks it is nerve damage possibly related to my straining my back and wrapping around to the pelvic area. no cure, of course (love being a woman), but he did suggest acupuncture, and since i started with that 2+ years ago (explaining to the acupuncturist my exact symptoms), it has gotten so much better! you may want to try it. (i love acupuncture for just a general body tune-up, too.) another thing my acupuncturist told me is that eating nightshades (potatoes, eggplant, peppers, tomatoes and paprika) aggravate inflammation, and since i've cut those out of my diet, i notice a big difference. and, if i do indulge in a potato chip, i feel it in my groin (!)-- and not even right away. sometimes three days after, i feel the pain. another thing that aggravates it is really tight pants/stockings for too long, so i avoid those, too. it's all such a bummer, but i've learned to adapt. hope this helps!