Peeling Finger Nails

Updated on June 21, 2010
D.S. asks from Prosper, TX
5 answers

My soon to be 4 YO daughter's nails have recently begun peeling off with new nail growth underneath. She hasn't hurt or damamged the original nail in any way that I know of. If it was only going on with one finger, I would have thought injury. But she has three nails peeling off right now with a brand new nail underneath.

Has anybody ever seen this? I just think it's curious and I am hoping it's not a sign of a vitamin deficiency or something.

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answers from Erie on

THis happened to my daughter but she has other issues that may have caused it. I ended up Not taking her back to the dermatologist, although I did try calling to see if they would give me some advice over the phone, which they did not. She was around 3 at the time and is 5 now and it hasn't happened again. I didn't treat it other than to just keep an eye on it.
Gosh this makes me sound like such a bad mom, but the dr was 2 hrs a way and there were alot of other more important health concerns we were dealing with. I'm just trying to say, your daughter is probably fine, If seeing a Dr would reassure you, then do it. I would just be concerned if it happened multiple times, or if there was any redness, soreness infection etc. Good Luck.



answers from Dallas on

My daughter's toenails did this earlier this year. She is anemic, but I don't know if that's why it happened- we never discussed it with her doctor. The new toenails emerged and seem fine, but I was so worried about her shoes ripping one off before it was time- I can't imagine with fingernails! Good luck.



answers from Dallas on

I have a 2 year old and has 2 toenails on each foot that have done the same thing. I asked the dr at our 2 yr checkup and she said that at some point he had a virus that basically killed the nail. She said it is usually on all nails, but said there is nothing really you can do about it. The nails will grow back just fine and the old nail will eventually fall off. If you are still concerned, though, it never hurts to ask a Dr!


answers from Miami on




answers from Indianapolis on

I would think without the new nail under it would be vitamin deficiency......I do believe you should have a doctor check it out..............

Take care and hang in there.

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