I haven't lived in the valley for many years but when we did we were blessed with a wonderful pedi Dr. O Wells in McAllen she was so great with kids and always took the time to listen. I don't know if she is still practicing.
hello i just moved to edinburg tx not to long ago...and i have a 3year old and 1 year old...that stay at home with me and only have a few immunizations...because i want them done 1-2 shots at time NOT the whole dosage...so my question is, is there ANY peditricians in this area WILLING to do/space out immunizations?
the reason i am asking this is because my last pediatrician was in corpus christi, tx and he was WILLING to not be rude about me giving the shots one at a time and NEVER rushed me or said negative things.,.......so that is why i am asking this question because yes i know i am the parent and if i dont want all the shots then i am the one to decide that...but if i just go to ANY pediatrician here..and say this to them..they will more than likely be rude about it and have a lecture of how they NEED to be immunized ..so then BACK to my question....what pediatrician in my area is WILLING not to be rude and be OPEN to my decisions ?
I haven't lived in the valley for many years but when we did we were blessed with a wonderful pedi Dr. O Wells in McAllen she was so great with kids and always took the time to listen. I don't know if she is still practicing.
Look on askdrsears.com. They have a list vaccine choice friendly doctors by state. :)
I don't know for other places but we have done one shot per visit since infancy with different doctors and I never had an issue with the pediatrician being unwilling. I just say: "we will just take this or that shot this time and come back for the others" Period. No questions asked ever! We did always go back 2-4 weeks later and at 5 DD is fully immunized for school, boosters and all.
The only time I ever ran into in issue was when I had a nurse discard a vaccine that we didn't request. I requested DTaP - since we are in the middle of a pertussis outbreak) first, but she wanted to pawn off her last chickenpox vaccine on me before it expired... she drew it up even though I explicitly said we would only get the one DTaP shot - she was pissed, but that is not my problem!
All you need to do is just be an informed and firm medical consumer. YOU are your child's parent and legal and medical guardian. NO doctor can tell you what to do or not. They can make recommendations, but it is up to you top follow them.
Stand your ground Mama!
Call around and talk to the nurses. They're the ones who know the docs the best. Ask for peds and then tell the peds receptionist what you're looking for. Ask if you can talk to a nurse about it for their advice.
Call around and ask. My kids are also on an alternative schedule, and when I called various pediatricians, I made this point clear and asked if there were any pediatricians in their office that would be uncomfortable with this. Everyone was honest with me.
ETA: I know what you mean about being questioned. Before we moved, we attended an office with our pediatrician and one other. If we ever couldn't see ours, we were guaranteed a lecture from the other one, and I had to just keep repeating, "We've already discussed this with Dr. So-and-So, we're on the same page." However, you should know that, in many states (I don't know about Texas), pediatricians are required by law to explain to you the risks you are taking by delaying vaccines, so you may not be able to find a doctor who won't say anything. But there is a big difference in how people say it, too: our previous pediatrician was able to do this in a respectful, "This is the information, now you as parents make a decision" sort of way, but her partner was more of a "This is the information, and you're not being a good parent if you do anything else" sort of person. Obviously, one of those approaches rubbed me the wrong way!
Surely someone has told you by now that your pediatrician does what YOU want him/her to do. If you tell him to give your child one immunization shot per visit, he should do it. If you tell him to give your child immunizations that are preservative/chemical free, he should do it. If he does not, find one that will.
You are the parent, you decide--NOT the pediatrician. The pediatrician is there to diagnose, suggest, guide, instruct but NEVER demand, dictate, or insist on any prescription, methodology, etc. Please remember that. You have much more control than you know when it comes to your child's health.
interview the pediatricians - call and set up appointments to meet and talk with the pediatricians in your area that will support you and your desires to immunize but space it out.
I know ours will.
Call and ask...I would interview myself - test on timeliness of appointment, how they treated me, how my child responded to them, etc. then make the decision.
Whether they are willing or not isn't the issue. If that's what you want then a pediatrician should honor that request. This is what I have done with my kids and their doctor. All the doctors in the practice are pro vaccines but clearly know where I stand on the issue. Thus, we space them out.
Your original question was who would be willing to space them out, and most pediatricians would be willing to do so.
Your SWH included an additional requirement of not being rude about it. Frankly, I'm going to guess that you're a tad bit sensitive about being given information about the recommended schedule, and you might be lumping their attempt at educating/informing you into the rude category. If that is the case, there are probably a lot of pediatrician's who you would consider "rude." However, if you really do mean rude, as in verbally denigrating you for making such a choice, I would guess that very few pediatricians would do that.
Then again, I live in an area where alternate schedules and forgoing vaccinations are not uncommon, so most peds in my area would not be rude about it.