Pediatrician Recommendation

Updated on May 07, 2008
J.P. asks from Baton Rouge, LA
8 answers

Hey Everyone! I was wondering if y'all have any recommendations for pediatricians in the Baton Rouge area. Mostly around Bluebonnet, Perkins, Essen, Siegen area. I have finally got me a daycare and want the pediatrician to be close to it. Thanks so much for any help you can provide! Have a wonderful day!! ;0)

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answers from Baton Rouge on

try the Pediatric medical center on Bluebonnet. We has seen just about all of the MDs there and they are all great. The practice is mostly women. In fact, when we saw one of the few men MDs, my daughter told him that he couldn't be a doctor 'cause he was a boy. (LOL) I like Dr. Flechas and Dr. Reed and Dr.Harris the best. Enjoy! Being a mom is the toughest job you'll ever love.

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answers from Baton Rouge on

I would suggest Dr. Daniel's office. They are off of Bluebonnet and have several physicians all pediatricians in there. I have always liked the care Dr. Daniel's provides to his patients and the ease of getting in. also have known many who use his associates and are just as fond of them. They are right of bluebonnet closer to the highland side and almost across from the library. hope this helps. -mb

Daniel, Charles W MD
9191 Bluebonnet Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA



answers from Baton Rouge on

We see Dr. A. Ferrell at the Baton Rouge Clinic and like her very much.

Hope that helps!




answers from Baton Rouge on

another vote for lake Pediatrics on bluebonnett. we see dr Hart and shes great



answers from Baton Rouge on

My little girl sees Dr. Ronald Bombet, he is off of Essen and Perkins at the Baton Rouge Clinic. He is WONDERFUL with my little girl. That is the ONLY Dr. I can bring her to and she not freak out. His number is ###-###-####. Good luck on finding a Dr. if you don't use him.



answers from Baton Rouge on

I use Suzanne Hart on Bluebonnett and we all love her. 9191 Bluebonnet.

We have also heard wonderful things about Dr. George Schwartenburg, off of Tara Blvd., and Dr. Hill, not sure of his address.



answers from Baton Rouge on

My daughter's pediatrician is Dr. Danny Wood at Baton Rouge Clinic on Perkins. He is wonderful and and gentle with babies. He has call me at night to make sure my child is during ok with medications or fever. She stuck a rock in her ear and he waited after his working hours until I drove over to the clinic to check her out. I could not ask for a better doctor. You would love him!



answers from Baton Rouge on

They have a bunch of pediatricians at the Baton Rouge Clinic on Perkins Rd (near Essen/Staring, Albertson's). I used to work at the BR Clinic for a total of 5 years before I had my baby and decided to stay home. My daughter sees Dr. Traci Brumund (on the 1st floor, to the left when you walk in). Her husband is also my daughter's Ped. Cardiologist (he works at OLOL Plaza). They are both very friendly, and have very nice nurses. Also, there is a new Pediatric building being built behind the clinic, and all the Pediatric BR Clinic doctors will be moving in soon, I think this fall. You can see pics & info about the doctors on their website:

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