Pediatric ENT Recommendations in Phoenix AZ

Updated on February 08, 2011
C.Z. asks from Phoenix, AZ
5 answers

Any one that you liked?
Have recommendation from pediatric doctor, but willing to go to a good doctor that will help me feel better and keep my baby safe and happy as much as possible.
If you've seen my previous post, about to discuss tubes with ENT on Thursday and want to make sure we get all the right and best information.

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answers from Phoenix on

Dr. Robert Mancuso in Mesa. Wonderful doctor. Took out my 3 year old's tonsils and adenoids, and we all loved him. Good luck.



answers from Phoenix on

We went to Jeffrey McKenna at Valley ENT, he is the best in the valley, both recommended to us by our pediatrician as well as our pediatric pulmonary doctor. Works on children as well as adults, (he took my sons adenoids out who was 4 at the time) and is excellent. Here is his website.



answers from Phoenix on

Dr. Mancuso, Love him. He is very good with parents and VERY good with the kids, he is gentle and will answer your questions and put you at ease.



answers from Phoenix on

John Raines is a wonderful Pediatric ENT, we took our daughter to him several years ago. I got referrals from other mothers on this site as well as friends who work in the pediatric medical field.
He has an office at 333 E. Virginia #101, his number is ###-###-####.



answers from Phoenix on

My 5 year old's ENT was Dr. Chung (sp?), and 2 year old's ENT was Dr. McKenna. I highly recommend them both, they are in the same office. The tubes were the greatest!

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