I had my tubes tied, and then untied 7 years later, and now have a 3 week old little boy. But anyways, I also have a clotting disorder and was told that I should not take hormonal birth control (terrible but I smoke, i quit pregnant and started right back up again, but only outside away from my guy). smoking obviously makes the risk even greater for a clot even though I'm not yet 30. The tubal wasn't terrible for me, I had very few side effects, although a lot is being done to actually verify post tubal ligation syndrome, and I would suggest you google it just so you completely understand the risk. Also there are new methods available such as essure (i think that's how it is spelled) that may be better with your other issues.
While I am personally against tubals, when it comes to risking your own health I do think it is most likely your best option, but make sure it is what you really want to do. There are a lot of women out there who regret it later and fight to find a way to be put back together again, and it's not an easy task, and there is no garentee that it will result in a healthy pregnancy if you do reverse it.