Party Time

Updated on August 26, 2013
K.L. asks from Fort Stewart, GA
13 answers

My husband and I are thinking of having a birthday party when our son turns 3. We would mostly be inviting kids that are 2 and 3. We are trying to figure out the best time of day for this, so we can plan for either a lunch or just snacks. What time do you prefer to go to parties with that age group? Any specific reasons why you prefer that time?

Edited: Family parties are not an option for most people in our area . . . we are a military family living in a military community. For most of us, it is all about the others you meet that are in the same situation as you are (as much as we would LOVE to have all of our nieces and nephew over instead!)

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answers from Chicago on

My daugther is 2. and her and my sons party we did them at 3 pm. That gives the kids a chance to have thier naps.

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answers from New York on

11-1 is always good. Play for an hour, lunch at 12, play more, cake and then home. Have fun!

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answers from New York on

Wow since when do people have parties in the early morning!! Never have I known anyone to do this. We always did 1 to 3. Or maybe the very earliest 12 noon to two or 2 to 4. Do whatever works for you.

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answers from Washington DC on

Do it in the morning - then everyone knows that it really is only a couple hours and goes home afterwards. (it also misses most naptimes). Try 10a to noon (or 1).

We have scheduled a couple for 3p and friends/family always end up staying till 8 or 9, because they have cleared plans for the afternoon and that kills their evening. If they're done by lunch, then they have the rest of the day to find something else to do besides hang out at your house.

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answers from St. Louis on

Pancake Party! It's great....& then the kids go home & torture their parents with their sugar rush. Yes!

& then they crash & nap. Yes!

& then the parents are free. Yes!

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answers from Amarillo on

Plan your party for 10 am and have a small game session and then cake and ice cream (near lunch time). With the kids being that age, two hours is enough time to be together.

You might have a few stragglers hang on after the bulk of the crowd has gone being you are on a military base. If there is a Burger King you could all possibly go there for lunch and end the day on a happy note.

Enjoy the day.

the other S.

PS If you have the party in the afternoon, you might run into the supper hour if you have it 2 to 4 or 3 to 5.

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answers from Washington DC on

I would either do a lunch party or dinner. I don't go to parties that are before 11am. We are just not morning people.

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answers from Honolulu on

- When kids are young, like yours/Toddlers, this is how I plan party or event times:
I go according to MY kids, napping times.
Because, if a kid is tired or overtired, they will get fussy or over stimulated.
And if they are tired/miss a nap, then they will be fussy. And perhaps have hissy fits. And that is not fun, for anyone, much less the kiddo himself.
And its not his fault, if a party is planned at his nap time when he is going to be tired.

So, for me: I planned any parties or events, after or before, my kids' nap.
AND my kids' friend's parents, were always HAPPY about that. Because their kids/toddlers, napped too.

At that age, my kids napped everyday. Without battle.
If not, they were fussy. And when tired a kid is more prone to being fussy and over stimulated and over tired and then lack tolerance for things and have much less patience. Especially if they are around lots of noise or people.

And at that age, parties are typically only about 2 hours. Any longer than that is just too long, too tiring, for the kid.

I always made any events/parties for my kids, in the MORNING. Say like 10:00am. Or even 9:30am. Kids are naturally active, in the morning.
And it was done by afternoon nap time. And all the parents always liked the timing of it.
I never made evening or late afternoon parties. Also because kids are too tired by then, and the parents too, and they just want to get their kids calm before bed. And parents have stuff to do. Also I never liked late afternoon parties/events because, it can run into the early evening... and then dinner. And then you gotta rush home and make dinner for your family and get your kids into a nice evening routine/bath/calm down, etc.

Also keep in mind the timing of the "lunch" if you decide it is going to be lunch. Because, little kids/Toddlers, typically eat lunch, early. 11:00am. or 11:30am. They don't eat lunch by adult timing. An adult would be fine with lunch at say 12 or 1-1:30. But not a young toddler.
They need to eat lunch, by then.
And if the party is later, a late lunch like 1:00 type thing, then the parents of the invited kids, would need to... feed their kids "lunch" BY then before going to the party. Or at least give them a bunch of snacks before the party.
And, most kids, if they are going to a party, and they are young... the parents will have to "wait" all morning or afternoon, to go to the party, and the kids may just be so antsy, by then. Or too tired. Waiting.

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answers from Austin on

At this age we usually did them in the morning at about 10:00.

Keep in mind it gets super hot down here in the afternoons so mornings for toddlers works great.

If you do it in the afternoon, any time after 2:00 is good. That nap time is still important.

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answers from Chicago on

I like 10:30-1 for this group, serving a simple lunch.

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answers from Dover on

That age group is really great in the morning (9-11 am) before they are ready for lunch and a nap. Or later in the day (after nap) like 2-4.

The problem is that you can easily ruin their meal times.

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answers from Chicago on

we only did strictly family parties at this age. I would not have brought my kids to a party for 2 year old that wasn't family member. kids that age do not really have social skills and will not be able to follow a party plan. except for perhaps just playing in a yard.

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answers from Oklahoma City on

I think that doing cake and ice cream is the most a birthday party should do. It's for the kids to have fun and play. Not sit and eat for more than a couple of minutes.

I prefer to do party this age group around 3pm-4pm, at the longest 4:30pm. The cake should be served first. That way the kids can get up from naps, go eat cake, go play, go home, eat dinner and their evening is uninterrupted.

Other than that doing it during the morning isn't all that bad either. Going to a party around 10am is good. This way you can do your morning stuff and still have time to do this before lunch.

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