Party Food

Updated on January 13, 2009
M.O. asks from Wiggins, CO
5 answers

Looking for advice on best party food. We have a dual event Saturday/Sunday. Same guests attending both days. We have about 50-60 guests coming to our home. We are thinking party subs from Subway. What kind of cost should I be expecting from subway. Have you tried anything similar from other food shops, what have you liked, disliked.

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answers from Omaha on

Party subs are great, and if you order them as sandwich trays they may be cheaper. We like to do crock pot food (just google for a ton of recipes). Blimpie is the one I have used a lot and really liked. They catered my 40th birthday.
Hy Vee often has some great options as well and have been very helpful on these ocassions.
Good luck and enjoy your celebrations!



answers from Omaha on

I've bought some sandwich trays and chicken from Wal-mart. They are very reasonably priced and everyone seems to like them! They would be much cheaper than Subway if price is a factor. We like to order a sandwich tray from Wal-mart and then make a couple of crock pots of soup when we have people over. They everyone can help themselves to soup or sandwiches when they are hungry. It works really well for us.



answers from Minneapolis on

I give a second vote for Sams Club. Great prices on everything from sandwhich trays to chips and even veggie trays. They also have great appetizers for parties in their frozen section.



answers from Davenport on

The grocery store near our old house did some great trays of all kinds of food from cold cuts and cheese to wings and finger foods.



answers from Minneapolis on

sams club has a great big ring sub sandwich for around $20. they also have really good meatballs and meat/cheese platters. their vege platters are around $10.

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