Party Etiquette

Updated on October 05, 2008
A.S. asks from Plainview, NY
16 answers

My 2 year old daughter was invited to a Halloween party. Should I bring a small gift for the child? What is the proper etiquette?

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answers from New York on

We went to one last year. I brought chocolate covered pretzels with me. I bought the log pretzels.. melted some chocolate in a pot. and dipped the tops and then dipped in sprinkles... I also left some without chocolate. Then I put them in a tuperware dish.. and brought them with me. It was very well recieved. Everyone enjoyed them. Good luck,,, and have fun

1 mom found this helpful


answers from New York on

You do not need to bring a thing. If you want to do something nice, ask the
Mom if you can bring a non candy treat (like chips and salsa or veggies and dip for Moms to eat).

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answers from New York on

If it a birthday party bring a gift. If it is just a Halloween party you can offer to bring a treat to share. I make Witches Hats for parties. They are simple and require no cooking. All they consist of are Fudge stripe cookies, Hershey Kisses and some orange or purple tube icing. To assemble you place the chocolate side of the cookie up. Place a good amount of icing in the hole of the cookie because it will act as "glue" to hold on the kiss. Place kiss on top of icing. Now take the icing, using a writing tip and place a fancy ribbon around the base of the kiss and criss cross it on the cookie. Now you have a Witch's hat. Kids will gobble them up.



answers from New York on

I agree with the other responses, ask the mom if you can help out or bring anything.



answers from New York on

as long as its not a birthday party, no, absolutely not. it would actually make me feel a bit uncomfortable. if you want to bring a special treat, that would be great. i might even consider getting the hostess something seasonal though if i knew her at all, like a candle or sunflowers. have fun!!!



answers from New York on

Hi A.,
If it's not a birthday party, it's not necessary to bring a gift, but you might ask the host if anything is needed for the party - just as we'd bring a dessert or bottle of wine if we went to a party, maybe they'd welcome some extra juice or cookies.
Enjoy! I am sure your daughter will have a great time


answers from New York on

Depending on how well you know the family...I would call the mom and ask if she needed anything for the party. Chips, Drinks, Cookies, Baked Goods, Bags of Candy to be divided for the guests, etc...

Its not a birthday party, is it? If it isnt, I dont think a gift is necessary.



answers from New York on

I believe, typically a gift would only be required if it was a birthday party. However, when you RSVP, you may want to ask "Is there any thing I can bring?" or even offer to bring something specific "I was planning on baking some cookies, would like some for the party?"



answers from Syracuse on

A small gift is not necessary at all. If your daughter wants to bring her something she can or have her make her a picture or craft or bake cookies. You may feel obligated to bring gifts to evry party your daughter is invited to if you start now. You are going to get overwhelmed with party invitations for your daughter as the year goes on, so in my opinion it's best to not start a trend.



answers from New York on

Unless it's a birthday party I don't think you need to bring a gift for the child. You can ask the parents if they'd like to you bring a refreshment, such as a tray of cookies or cupcakes but a gift is not required.



answers from New York on

i'd bring something to share with the entire party. cupcakes, favor bags, etc. or ask the mom if she needs anything.



answers from New York on

Hi A.
If she's just invited to a Halloween Party then I would say no. If it's a Birthday/Halloween party, then I would bring a gift. If you feel you'd like to contribute, if it's a Halloween Party, then maybe offer to make something to bring to the party. I never think bringing something to a party is the wrong thing to I hope she has a good time. D.



answers from Syracuse on

Hello A.: How fun it is for your daughter to have been invited to a Halloween party. I know if I was throwing the party for little children I would not expect a gift in return, especially during the Halloween season. However, if you would like, it would be nice to offer your help by chaperoning, helping with games or even baking a treat or possibly bring goodie bags. All of which are unexpected but would be very nice for the hostess. Enjoy and Happy Halloween.



answers from New York on

I don't think a gift is ever necessary, but I do think it's really fun to give one! How about a small gift for the mom, who's doing all that hard work and is probably stressed out? Even something little and cute would mean a lot to her, especially because she isn't expecting anything! Maybe something she and her child could share, like your favorite Halloween book or a pumpkin puzzle, etc?

It's just so fun to surprise someone with a gift!



answers from New York on

Is it a Halloween birthday party or just a get together? If birthday YES bring a small age apropiate gift and if just a halloween party ask if you can bring something to share. A.



answers from New York on

No, don't bring a gift for the child.

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