Pacifier Advice

Updated on August 29, 2008
M.D. asks from Chicago, IL
4 answers

My 16 month old only uses the pacifier when he wakes up at 6 am instead of 7 am (which happens a few days a week). My husband or I give it to him and he falls back asleep until 7am. He goes to bed at 8pm every night. I think he has formed a habit to wake up to get it at that time in the morning now. He started sleeping with a stuffed animal at 15 months for comfort during some teething. Any idea of how to break him of this habit? That is the only time he ever uses the pacifier.

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answers from Chicago on

Unlike many Moms I am a pacifier fan. If your kid needs it for comfort let him use it. Don't worry about it until your child is a bit older and can understand why you are taking it away. Frankly, just using it in bed is great. Our 2nd daughter was (and still is) a very oral child, she used it until past 3. We tried to have her stop but it was too traumatic for her. When the dentist told her it was time to stop she finaly did...without tears and drama...and even though her teeth were slightly out of line within 6 monthes of losing the paci her smile was literally perfect. Bottom line---it's tough being a hurts having teeth jackhammer their way into your mouth--allow your child to have this piece of comfort during this hard time.



answers from Chicago on

I am not a big fan of pacifier to begin with but I know some children need them as a comfort. I say in this case it makes him happy for just that hour, i would not worry about it yet. He is still pretty young and might just need that comfort and one day he won't. Just don't let it go past the bedroom door.




answers from Chicago on

My son was older when we did this, but we took all his pacifiers and put them inside of his favorite stuffed bear. I cut a little bit of the thread down the seam and we put them in his bear. I sewed it back up by hand with a few stiches and we've had no more pacifiers ever since. He sleeps with his bear only occassionally now.



answers from Chicago on

Have some sort of GRAND goodbye to the paci! A paci fairy or something else. He can send off all the pacifiers (in an envelope), and then in the morning, he's given a special gift from the paci fairy (new trucks or something)--similar to the tooth fairy! Then, if he wakes, tell him all the paci's are gone! I've seen it work flawlessly on Supernanny many times!

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