I would recommend consulting with a real estate attorney- they can give you a better idea of what's possible. Hope you get it worked out.
Hi Guys!
I have recently found out that we have overpaid our taxes due to a calculation error (the tax assessor)on the size of our property. We have overpaid for about 10 years...$900.00 per year! Would like to know if anyone knows how to go about getting a refund. I know we are entitled to one, but when I call the Kane co. dept. they say it is a one time adjustment on this years taxes. I have no idea how to go about it. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
I would recommend consulting with a real estate attorney- they can give you a better idea of what's possible. Hope you get it worked out.
Each county has its own rules. In Cook County they make it pretty easy if you overpaid on your own taxes. I second talking to a lawyer that practices in Kane County. They should know the treasurer's rules, etc.
I would hire an attorney who specializes in property taxes and tax appeal. I am not sure you can go back 10 years, though, as the government states that you should be checking the accuracy of your assessment information annually. Good luck!
Isn't it amazing that the counties do not have to pay you back for overcharging you for years, but God forbid, you owe taxes from years ago. You try to get away with, I'll pay you for only one year! You probably have to get any attorney, but be careful not to pay one until you find out for sure if it is possible. There are alot of attorneys that will give you free advice, before hiring. Call several. Maybe one will have the guts to take on the government.
If the county treasure has contacted you about there error all you need to do is go to the county treasures office and apply for a refund. If that does not work or you were the one that discovered the error, you may need to probably get a lawyer.
Same thing happened to me, only one yr due to statue of limitations. I was taxed on the wrong model house & they said basically to bad as that they publish it and we are suppose to check but unless someone has the same exact house it is impossible to tell not to mention how many people go around to neighbors asking about their taxes is what I said especially the first yr you are in the neighborhood. I only caught yrs later as I was ragging about my taxes to someone who has a similar model home. I also paid several hundered dollars per yr more than I should have. If you find out any leagal way to get it back please keep me in mind & let me know. Best of luck!!! By the way I am in Will County.
I would still start with the Tax Assessor's office in your area. There may be some paperwork that they can give you to get the process rolling. Depending on the paperwork, it may have to be reviewed by a Lawyer. It does seem a little insane to go back to the source that made the error but, they control all the assessments in the area. I would personally pick their brain, first, for free. No more phone calls - with all the confidentiality concerns, it's difficult to get ANY information on the phone. Face-to-face is best. They may even give you a list of things that you will have to bring back....
Seems a shame that you would have to hire a lawyer to get your money back. Could come to that, but, definitely, go the cheaper route first. Wow! If all goes well, your overpayment could be substantial.