Okay... when I was a child, I too would wake up nightly and creep down our LONG dark scary hallway, just to go to my parent's room and squeeze in between them.
They let me.
They knew, it was just me, just childhood and just a phase.
One day I would not even want to be near them.
It was no big deal to them.
However, the way my parents allowed that... it is one of my MOST cherished memories, about them and about my childhood. My Dad... is no longer alive. And I still remember, how my parents were, letting me crawl into bed with them.
I did it, simply because, I LOVED being near them, and I would get scared at night in my room by myself. Even if my sibling was nearby.
I simply, missed them.
I got sleep that way and they did too.
I was very special.
How a child goes to bed at night or not... will either be a cherished childhood memory... or a hated one. Of going to bed.
My kids are 5 and 9. And we make no big deal of it, if they for some reason, need to be near.
We have a futon on the floor of our room. The kids can go there.
No biggie.
In some cultures, well they all sleep in one room!
It is the perception of how you view it.