Other Tips for Using Craigslist

Updated on February 20, 2014
M.L. asks from Conneaut, OH
14 answers

I listed a set of toys in December. they would retail for $50 I listed them for $30 which I know was a little high, but I didn't get any responses. I relisted them a few weeks later for $20 and still didn't get anything not even spam.

It's been over 2 yrs but the last time I listed something I got people from Nigeria wanting to wire funds and all that garbage I'm glad not to have that but not sure why no real people responded.

It was Hasbro weeble toys if that helps with the answer.

so the question is specifically what did I do wrong? I still have the darn things. the castle set, a school set and camping set I was selling all as a lot for $20.

and then in general, are there tips for a certain day it is best to post or how often to repost??


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answers from Santa Barbara on

I agree with ____@____.com are more ideas:

Add more key words. Think about what people might search for (fisher price, hasbro).

Bring it to a consignment store.

Honestly many toys (except Lego) do not resale for much. So many are free or $5.

attach link to amazon or toysrus to show the list price.

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answers from Houston on

1. include pictures
2. determine if you want to 'get rid of it' or 'make money'
3. post early in the day 7-10 am or 5-8 pm
4. include your phone # and state that texting is o.k
5. check your account often, Craigslist has a weird algorithm as to how long a post stays up before you have to renew it.
6. depending on the item be willing to meet the buyer at a 1/2 way point, public business or parking lot.

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answers from Chicago on

My general rule is if used no more than 30% of retail as I can buy new on sale for 30-40%.

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answers from Boston on

December is a bad time to list toys. Most people are going to buy new toys for their kids for Christmas, not give them something used off of CL. And then of course after Santa brings new toys, no one wants to buy more. So I think your timing was off. It's just not the time of year to buy toys. I'd wait another month or two and give it another go for $20 or just post them on freecycle.

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answers from Washington DC on

I sell most toys for much less. We sold a huge set of my little pony for $40, but it had about 7 big pieces. I think you should check your price and be sure to repost your listing every 48 hours (your account should show you when you can repost.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

The $20 sounds like a reasonable price to post at - asking for more than 50% of the original value is too high. But also don't be surprised it people offer you $10 or $15. A few tips.

1) did you have a picture posted?
2) repost. Things get buried, and things also sometimes go fast. If something was posted more than 2 weeks ago, I often don't bother contacting the person because I figure it is gone. So, if you have something that didn't sell within 2 weeks, then repost it. Sometimes it just takes a few tries.

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answers from Orlando on

Do you use Facebook? Here we have groups on FB that you request to join such as Orlando online yard sale, or infant/toddler, buy, sell, trade. I have had great success selling kids items on these sites. It is fast and you get more than a garage sale price, but maybe a bit less than Craigslist. I clean out my sons clothes that he has outgrown, spread them out, take a pic, post a description/location/price and usually get someone interested that day. I sell a lot of toddler clothes for $25 to $30 depending on amount of pieces and condition. Figure out a place to meet and do the exchange. With toys, it depends. Sometimes you just have to keep reposting until someone is interested. I did some shopping in Dec. for Christmas as I was looking for a specific Fisher Price toy and got one for $10. I also needed a heavy jacket for my 10 year old and posted on one of these pages what I was looking for. Someone responded right away and I got him a nice, warm jacket for $15.
Try searching on FB to see if you can find one of these groups. people sell all kinds of things: furniture, clothing, bikes, cars. But try to get a page specifically for kids items that has at least 1,000 members and you will likely find a buyer.
Oh, and I typically post toys for sale about 50% of retail if it is in good condition.

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answers from Raleigh on

It's hit or miss with some stuff…..big item toys always sell fast like play kitchens, power wheels, bikes, trampolines …..with smaller stuff you just never know , try relisting every week

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answers from Sacramento on

Best tip: Price whatever item you're selling at $5 less than other listings for the same item. That often makes a difference.

Also, it can take a few rounds of posting for some things to sell. There often isn't any rhyme or reason to it.

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answers from Anchorage on

It is hard to say for sure without seeing the items you are selling, but you may still be asking too much if they have been well played with and are not in the best of shape. Other then that, try making sure your title is well worded so that it will show up in all related searches.


answers from Washington DC on

ugh! same thing for me few years back. Seems hit or miss. Are there any kids consignment sales in your area? Big time for the Spring sales is coming up...or kids consignment shops? Do you use FB? I have had better luck selling through local FB virtual yardsale groups.
If you want to continue CL, get a junk e-mail so all the spam goes there & doen't fill up your personal e-mail, I guess also add OBO(or best offer) to your ad maybe. Check to see what other people are selling similar items for.
Good Luck,


answers from Washington DC on

that's a LOT for used toys.
it's not how you're posting. that's just an unrealistic expectation.


answers from Milwaukee on

Lots of great tips below, here's mine:

Your title is the first thing that will capture their attention, & after that, price & whether you have pictures.

Do a search on Craigslist for the same or similar item, & see what other people are posting it for. Also, get a feel for how many other listings there are, & how old they are (or if they have been repeatedly posted for the last month, indicating that they aren't selling well).

Your title should get attention - "Hasbro Weebles - complete set, great condition!" is going to make someone look further than "Kids toys, gently used".

Also, make sure you are posting in the right area. There is "Baby & Kids" "General" & "Toys & Games"

You can't post more than once (Craigslist will recognize duplicates & prevent it), but you can post in one category, & put up a different post in the other categories with the web link to your original ad.

Craigslist is hit or miss... I have posted some items for over a month with no response, & then a while later posted again just to see & had 3 calls in one day, with a sale. It all depends on whether someone is looking for & wants what you have.

Hope that helps. If you decide not to do CL to sell the weebles, you might be able to hold onto them a bit longer & have a spring-weather garage sale - kids stuff sells great if its clean, in good condition, & not outrageously priced! T. =-)



answers from Dallas on

I have found that updating the post or relisting the item helps a lot. It gets it to the top of the list more often. Things in the toy category get buried, because there are so many posts. If something is slow moving, I usually repost it weekly.

And if you can list the same item in multiple categories. Yes, I know, it's a Craigslist no no, but the more people who see it, the more likely you are to sell it.

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