I divided mine into sections with dividers (bread, dairy, frozen foods, etc) - however it works for you. Then I put 1 coupon per pocket. I try to put the expiration date where I can see it. If I have more than one IDENTICAL coupon, I put the others behind the first one. If anything at all is different on the coupon - it gets it's own pocket. I didn't try to group them inside dividers. I just add the newest coupons to any empty pockets in that section. It's easy to go through and pull all expired coupons or to see if I have some that need to be used pretty quick. When I am shopping I pull the ones I am using and put in an envelope at the front of my binder. Oh - and when I am making my list I put the coupon and amount next to the item so I know I have it. I don't pull it yet in case I don't use it. Have fun organizing !