Hi E.! We LOVE sound machines! Our first never used one, our 2nd had acid reflux and white noise was the only thing (other than nursing) that helped him relax and sleep. Our third got used to one because he was in our room for the first year because of space issues so we had one to help drown out the noise of us coming to bed, etc, because he was a very light sleeper. Now he has his own room, and the sound machine we use (with the sound of waves crashing) is fabulous because it drowns out the noise that our older 2 kids make! We also live in a rather noisy neighborhood during the holidays and the sound machine was such a blessing!
One thing we did learn...when we travel, most hotel rooms have a radio...set it to a fuzzy station, and it has the same effect. All kids certainly can sleep without it...so we don't worry about the dependency issues.
If nothing else, try one and see how it goes...you can always return it. Best of luck to you!