Online Survey Taking

Updated on June 08, 2011
O.K. asks from Burlington, NC
4 answers

ok, i was just wondering if any of you stay at home mamas out there did online survey taking-more specifically a way to generate some sort of income. i've done a little bit on it, but i was just wondering if anyone else was or if this is even a good option. also does anyone do crafts and sell them-i make shell necklaces, i haven't done it in a while-but i figure i could start again little by little and try to sell them. what would be the best place to sell them? how do i market them? i just want to find a way to make money from home, preferably something i enjoy.

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answers from Tucson on

You could sell on
I do some online surveys. I do opinion outpost. I get pretty good money doing it and even won $50 from the instant win game one time.
I also like pinecone research. they pay $3 for every survey and i get lots of free stuff too.
You should check out too. They pay you to have parties at your house. They give you lots of free stuff from wii games to free food!

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answers from New York on

I take surveys at and bring in around $30 a month. Not much, but its something. Its a BBB accredited site. Ive had good luck with them.



answers from Chicago on

I do some but not with bog spot. I think it is Focusscope. Anyway, BIg Spot will sell your email.. A friend of mine setup an email only for this and after she signed up with big spot (she went with them first) she get a ton of spam and scammers. It was the only place she gave the email. She setupa different one and signed up with some other actual online research and no spam at all.


answers from Dallas on

You can go to wal-mart or anywhere really and try to get the store to pick up your product. When I worked at wal-mart we had a lady that made little homemade kitchen magnets and they picked up her product for her and sold them out of the store. I'm sure she made a decent income selling them!

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