My last go round with lice (6 kids - it's gonna happen a time or three), I used mayo (not Miracle Whip) and a lice comb. I applied the mayo to each child's head and covered it with a shower cap and let it set for an hour. I then combed out each child's head with the lice comb. If you spend less than an hour (even on short hair) combing, you did it too fast. The mayo smothers the adult/hatched lice and makes it easy to slide the eggs off of the hair shaft, but if you miss even ONE egg, you will be starting over very soon. If it is freezing at night, bag everything up and freeze it outside for a night or two, then wash in the hottest water the material will allow. For furniture, I did use a furniture spray and then vacuumed the snot out of them as well as all the carpets, hardwood floors and mattresses. I threw all of the bed pillows and bought new. Do not leave your vacuum in the house after doing all of the lice vacuuming - empty the cannister in an outside garbage and leave it in the shed for a few days before bringing it back in the house. Finally, make sure that you vacuum and spray the car thoroughly, paying close attention to the head rest areas. Finally, if you have pets, you may want to have them treated and kenneled for a few days.