Two of my three sons have been peers at Olathe schools (my third son is only 2, but we plan to send him when he is old enough). We have had nothing but positive experiences with it. We have been at 2 different schools with 3 different teachers and have loved it. I want my kids to understand that there are all kinds of people in this world. That is sometimes hard to do out here in Johnson county. I want them to be comfortable with people in wheelchairs and not stare, I want them to learn tolerance and acceptance of all people regardless of their abilities and to realize that everyone has something special to offer to others. This is a great program for that. Also, as far as the cirriculum, I think it was fine. And they have the added benefit of being in the elementary school so they get to go to PE and music and art and all the specials (that is what they call them in the Olathe district).
I think it is a great program, but you do need to call soon. When my first son went through it was free, now there is a charge but I still think they get a lot of requests. Your son will have to be evaluated and I think they start that process in February.
Hope that helps some and good luck to you!