This may seem like an odd inquiry, but I'd love some advise. ~ Has anyone experienced nipple itching? For the last few months (I think) one of mine have been itching, and now the other's starting to also. It isn't constant--it doesn't happen all day long--but when it does happen it's irritating! I'm not pregnant, not that I'm sure that would be the case anyway. Sometimes air makes the itching start, but to be honest I'm really not sure why they do. Has this happened to anyone else? ~ Thanks in advance for any advise/information.
It's been a couple weeks since my posting, but I just want to send out a huge THANK YOU to all the moms who responded. It's so refreshing to be able to get advice that's both good and a little scary too. I really truly appreciated everything everyone had to say.
I did go to the doctor. I had been on a few antibiotics over the course of the previous few months and he thought it could have been a yeast infection. I've been using a cream for about a week now and my itching has almost completely subsided. I'm going to keep an eye on it though. Just in case I also switched my bras and I'm watching what soaps I use.
Thank you again to all who responded - I just LOVE this site!!!
Featured Answers
answers from
Kansas City
You know what J.-My boob, areola mostly, had been itching to but I thought it was due to me breastfeeding. Sorry I have no advice for ya. Maybe it's the weather change, I don't know but just wanted to tell you that you are not alone. Sorry I am not much help!
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answers from
St. Louis
As a mammography technologist, I have a lot of patient's tell me about their nipples itching. Sometimes it is just dry skin. Sometimes it can be from nipple discharge drying on the nipple. But it can be a sign of another breast disease, sometimes cancer. Please consult a doctor before you try any home remedies.
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answers from
Just to be on the safe side, have your doc look at it, there are kinds of breast cancer that cause rashes...but don't freak...the odds are in your favor it's just allergies.
I had the same problem and freaked myself out to the max I was dying. They would be sudden flashes of intense you ever had your toe itch in your shoe and you can't get the shoe off fast enough?
It's really hard to scratch your nipple in the middle of a restaurant, or church....but sometimes the itch would come on so sudden I would startle and yelp.
Ended up I had to switch to all cotton bras. I wash them seperate and run them thru the rinse cycle twice to remove all traces of detergent. On the second rinse I put in a small amount of Downy Free.
Fabric softner sheets turn me into a mess of hives.
If it's dry skin and not detergent...try opening up a vitamin E capsule and squeeze a couple of drops onto your nipples right out of the shower to lock in maximum moisture. Up your water intake, and reduce hot shower time to avoid drying out the skin.
Good luck!
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answers from
St. Joseph
From my experience it generally is an allergic reaction to your detergent. I would recommend switching to scent free detergents AND fabric softeners. You should also consider some good moisturizer like Vanicream. That should do the trick. If it doesn't I would recommend the Lanolin that mom's use on their nipples when they are's rather a tacky substance but works really well.
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answers from
St. Louis
Itching can be a symptom of so many things from allergies to pH imbalances and even the initial stages of some cancers. I would not begin searching for topical remedies to supress the symptom, as supression of symptoms generally creates more physcial imbalances.
First: If it were me, I would check my pH balance with a doctor who specializes in nutrition. Balancing the pH can prevent/cure a multitude of conditions, including many cancers. It could be as simple as a calcium/magnesium deficiency, as well. Whether it is candida (yeast), dry skin, or preliminary cancer (which I have had), it is not wise to supress the symptoms. Identify the physiological/metabolical reason and fix it. This can prevent many problems you may never have to face. But, don't just start throwing vitamins and supplements at the problem. Find which ones you need and make sure you are using quality supplements.
Second: I would soak in an epsome salt bath. If I were going to use any topical lotions on the nipples, it would only be lotions with the most simple and natural ingredients. You can purchase four simple ingredients from Cheryl's Herbs in Maplewood, MO, and make your own skin lotion. I have done this for years. I get her pure Aloe Vera Gel (8 oz), add 5 drops lavender essential oil, 3 drops melaleuca (Tea Tree) essintial oil, and 1/2 tsp. jojoba oil (Jojoba is not actually an oil. It is a wax and is the closest thing, chemically, to your skins own sebum.). Make sure to buy therapeutic grade essential oils. You can get them at Cheryl's Herbs or from Young Living Essential Oils. Many brands sell essential oils for perfuming. They do not have the same healing effects as the therapeutic grad oils.
Just remember, MDs are great in a crisis, but will often allow minor conditions to develop into a disease state by applying medications that supress symptoms. It happens every day. I know great doctors, MDs, NDs, DOs DCs, etc. But, I also realize that most people do not know when it is best to see an MD and when it is best to see another type of doctor. Many people have strong 'beliefs' about methods of health care. All of them are sciences and all of them have benefits. I don't want a nutritionist when I need sewn up from a car accident and I don't want an MD when I have unusual itching.
Anyway, this is what I have learned in my experiences. Hope it provides you some food for thought.
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answers from
Kansas City
It could dry skin try putting lotion on them and see if that help. Sometimes my will do that from rubbing against my bra, lotions seems to help. Use lotion that is with an oatmeal or that is for dry skin
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answers from
Kansas City
sounds like its the winter cold air kicking up and maybe a change in your skins moisture. If you have changed body soap or laundry detergent or bought a new material of bra it could be making your skin drier, then add the cold air and itching comes first, then comes chapped and burning--for me any way; of course several months of itching is a little different, but maybe you use a good lotion and its slowing the process... any way, try lanolin, like lactating mothers get, it will help a lot (or should, if thats the problem!) Good luck.
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answers from
Kansas City
i'd try lotion first thing. i've had dry skin there before, and of course i kinda thought "oh yeah...well i never moisturize there, so there you go." and once i put a little lotion on it was fine. hasn't happened for a long time so i guess it worked :) good luck!
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answers from
could be a yeast infection in the nipple, which can happen when breastfeeding and might occur at other times, ask your doctor :)
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answers from
St. Louis
Maybe it's just dry itchy skin coming with the weather change. My nipples, feet, cheeks, and everywhere really have been real ashy since the cold weather came. Lotion and drinking water helps. Dry skin can make them itchy so that's my first guess. Try moisterizing them with lotion or something.
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answers from
St. Louis
ok, I'm going to get personal....what about a yeast infection? All those wrinkles/folds in the nipple?
I have more descriptors, but will refrain from placing them here....but just "think" on it. A little OTC cream or some yogurt just might do the trick.
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answers from
Kansas City
I agree with the previous posts. It is likely not serious...probably dry skin or even eczema, BUT please do have it looked at by your doctor. In some instances, more serious problems such as infections or even cancer can present with skin changes. Now, of course, I'll say, "try not to worry", as it is likely something simple that will respond to moisturizer, a change in detergent, gold bond powder, or possibly a mild steroid cream...but worry is what we all do best, right??
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answers from
St. Louis
Hi J.,
My husband is a Breast Surgeon and all he deals with are people with diseases of the breast, i.e. breast cancer. Anyway, I asked him what to do, and he said the first thing you need to do is get a doctor to look at you. More than likely, it is just dry skin, but there are diseases out there that can cause this. He said that once a physician determines it is not worrisome, then moisturizers would probably do the trick. He was emphatic, though, to make sure you get a professional opinion.
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answers from
Kansas City
I am allergic to the padding that lines some bras, even the ones that aren't really padded. If the covering, which is often very thin, breaks, I itch. I only buy cotton bras with no linings and that usually helps But it can also be caused by laundry detergent, at least for me. The first time I did go to the DR and check that it wasn't something worse. You might want to make sure it is just an allergy before you just believe it is.
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answers from
It could be the detergent you are using to wash your bra, or it could be the material of the bra.
Or, it could be the type of soap you are using when you take a shower/bath. I have had that problem more often with the type of soap I use when taking a shower.
Hope this helps
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answers from
Kansas City
Try using Lansinoh lanolin cream. You can pick it up at any drug store or even Wal Mart. It's 100% natural and desgned for brestfeeding moms.
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answers from
St. Louis
OMG - I have the same proplem and thought it was just me and dry skin!! I don't have a solution for you but if you get any good ones let me know. Good luck!!
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answers from
This was also a problem for me when I was nursing, it was caused by dry skin, that may not be your problem. But for me I wore 100% cotton bras and also used vaseline intensive care lotion or gold bond medicated anti itch lotion.
Good luck I know how nerve racking it can be, its not exactly an easy place to itch discretely.
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answers from
Not odd at all this can be life saving information for you.I would start by asking you this when was your last breast exam?Do you notice any rash that is on your breast area any unusual discharge pain in breast area.Is this itching from irritation to lotions or soap maybe?I would make an appt. with your dr soon to rule out anything that can be serious.I tell you this because i'm 28 yrs old and after the birth of my daughter I had pain in my left breast for months and was scared out of my mind that I had cancer and didn't want to find out but I had to i'm a wife but most importantly i'm a mommy of 2 and now 3rd on the way.My drs were concerned and ordered testing an ultrasound revealed nothing then went in a 2nd time and took discharge and sent it to pathology no cancer cells but had an infection in my mamory gland also 2nd ultrasound revealed nothing as well.But they told me I can be affected with cancer at my age its rare but it happens.Please get looked at