I go to Good Samaritans Women's Clinic; it is right across the street from their brand new Family Birth Center. My OB is Dr. Debra McAllister. She is very kind, sweet, and easy going. I can’t say how delivery is with her because I am due on Friday (though she just told me today that I am nowhere close to giving birth by my due date! Ugh!). I am not sure if she is taking new clients, she seems a quite a bit busier now than when I first started seeing her, but there are four other doctors that work out of the same clinic if she isn't.
At Good Sam’s new Birth Center they have the birthing tubs in every delivery suite (if that is something you are interested in trying), and after delivery they have all in one “Mother-Baby Suites” so your baby stays with you and not in a nursery, and they have on-staff lactation consultants that come visit you after the birth.