Every child is different. Boys, verbally, develop slower than girls....thank God, because my daughter starting talking at 18 months and has not stopped....literally....all...day...long. I get to hear every thought. ;)
My 1st son talked up a storm, but couldn't understand a darned thing he was saying until about 22 months. Everyone told me how early that was for a boy. Um, ok.
My 2nd son never said much and now talks a lot, but is lazy about his enunciation. He's 4 and I can understand my 2 year old better than I can him. Nothing wrong with him, just being who he is.
My 3 year old nephew smiles constantly and laughs and is super bright, but refuses to talk. He points at stuff and grunts. Drives me crazy. He does say Mama, Dada, tank you, etc but not much more than that.
Don't obsess about his language. You don't want to cause a problem that isn't there. Sounds like he's actually early for his language skills.