No! Bad Ingrediant!?

Updated on January 14, 2013
C.Z. asks from Manning, IA
8 answers

So I love Sheets Energy strips just for something in the morning on a good boost. I was reading the label this morning and found the last ingrediant is Caffeine Anhydrous. I am from Iowa so when we see Anhydrous it is usually a bad chemical put on feilds. Can someone tell me if this is a dangerous ingrediant or if it is safe. I love love love these. They are a sublte boost that I dont crash from. I would hate to give them up because of this but refuse to put a bad chemical such as what I am thinking in my body (anhydrous ammonia is what it makes me think of). Any words of wisdome? I am also using GNC Active to help with energy and motabolism boost but this just helps my first our of work.


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answers from Santa Barbara on

Anhydrous means without water so it is caffeine without water.

There must be a better way to have real energy. I know you have been on the lookout for improved health.

Good luck!

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answers from Norfolk on

It's just powdered caffeine (not dissolved in water).

If you get enough sleep at night, you won't need a boost to get started in the morning.
Since I've cut back on caffeine, I sleep a lot better and feel more rested.
Some days I don't feel like having any coffee or tea at all.

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answers from Victoria on

With you sounding so sluggish your thyroid might be off balance even a little. Also try taking B-12 drops to boost energy.



answers from Fargo on

When you see the word anyhydrous in relation to chemicals on fields, it's actually called Anhydrous Ammonia. Anhydrous simply means "without water".

What are the other ingredients in the energy strips? The ingredient list I found for them is just caffeine and B vitamins.


answers from Indianapolis on

I've looked this up for my hubby before. He thought the same thing as you. The ladies are right, it just means "without water".

To get going in the morning: get enough sleep, take a shower, clean.



answers from New York on

I am not a fan of any synthetic "energy" substances. Why not just use coffee and tea? But I think the CA you are talking about is just dehydrated caffeine.


answers from Dallas on

I don't know, but my Gramps used to always say, "When in doubt, throw it out."

I am a Shaklee gal. Shaklee carries a healthy Tea for energy boosts and chewables. Msg me if you need a link as it can only be bought online.

What really helps me so that I don't need energy boosts is being sure to have enough protein during the day. A good dose of protein at each meal and a snack that includes protein. That has done wonders for me.

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