Hi F., I'm a mother of twin girls too, but they are 2 years old. Although my girls have typically been great sleepers, we have been though some short periods of time that we had sleep difficulties. I believe there is no magic formula, mostly trial and error. Crying it out worked for us, and yes, we did deal with them waking each other up at times. Overall, they learned quickly to sleep through each others sleep problems, but there were times we would end up with both awake, crying. My girls didn't completely sleep through the night until they were around 10 months. I would stay away from too many meds, they can sometimes have the opposite effect. I agree with one "poster" who mentioned having them checked by their PED just to make sure nothing else is going on (unless they are totally fine during the day). I think babies learn so very quickly what to do to get mom and dad to come to them, hold them, etc. I would ask you- how long did you let them cry? I would allow them to go 45 minutes if you can.... I know it is so hard, see if your husband can support you in allowing them to try to get themselves back off to sleep. Sometimes I needed someone to hold my hand and just say "give them 5 more minutes" and often that was the trick. My girls never cried more that one or two nights in a row in the 4-5 times we have had sleep disturbances. Make sure you have a nightlight on, and if they have a special "lovey" (blanket, paci, doll/stuffed animal)- make sure they have it. A paci and their special blankets were a godsend from about age 8 months on. They still use them to sleep. Best of luck- I know you feel "beat" but know it will get better if you persevere! F.