Night Time at 21 Months

Updated on September 21, 2008
M.S. asks from Salt Lake City, UT
9 answers

My 21 Month old son used to go to bed rather well, but now seems to be running hyperly all over the house after his bath. He wants to wrestle,jump all over the place. Especially on the couch. Is is too early for this. What to do? I am now carrying him to his crib forcefully since he wont do it willingly anymore. I think he will probly be in a toddler bed soon too, what then. He already is giving me hassle.

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answers from Denver on

My son got like that around the same age. He got a toddler bed the week of his 2nd birthday and immediately started going to bed on his own (in his NEW bed). Maybe you should move him into a toddler bed now.

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answers from Denver on

Try redoing the routine. Explain to him the change over and over. Try having bath right after dinner and then go down for a game together or something slightly active but structured...we have a great yoga kids tape we do. then the book and to bed. Boys just have access energy..and I found out this about that age too! Oh, also could take a walk around the block everynight right after dinner, then bath, and cuddle/book time. I also found reading in the hall on the floor was better then trying to do it on the bed. He may not stay with it all the time and this makes being in bed for sleeping. We had a 2 hour nap roughly 1-3 and then 7 pm bed time. About 2.5 we started a later nap at 1:30 until 3:30 and bed time at 7:30.



answers from Salt Lake City on

my baby's younger, but this is our nighttime routine: 6:pm dinner. bath immediately afterward. i let him play until he begins to get a little drowsy. i put pjs on him, fix him a sippy, let him play with me on the floor, which includes casual story time. When he shows he's a little irritated, i dance with him to music, then i sing without music 1 or 3 songs, say a prayer with him, and lay him down between 7:40 and 8. sometimes he falls asleep before i finish, which has been about 7:40. if he hasn't fallen asleep by 8, then i put him to bed. sometimes he cries, but that's what i do.



answers from Great Falls on

He doesn't sound quite ready for bed. I always let my kids play with a small toy, while they stayed in bed or now, they read to calm down from a day at school or otherwise. He could be over tired, over stimulated or something. Consistancy really works too.



answers from Denver on

I am wondering if perhaps he is overly tired come bedtime. The hyper activity is really a classic sign (think about it, when we get overly tired we often act "slap happy" or "loopy"). You could try putting him to bed 20 minutes earlier to see if it will help. I also highly recommend holding off on the toddler bed until he is really ready. My son was 2.5 when he started falling asleep in my friend's daughter's bed, and he would climb into the toddler display beds at the store. We said "do you want to sleep in a big boy bed?" He was thrilled. We brought it home and the very 1st night he slept there all night. Since then we have not had a single issue with him wandering around instead of sleeping. Everything I have read and learned indicates that waiting for appropriate readiness will make your life easier.
Good luck!



answers from Salt Lake City on

Often times my 4 children get a burst of energy before bed. We can be having a peaceful evening, and suddenly after pajama time they are running all over the place, jumping laundry baskets in the haul, flipping off the couches, wrestling eachother... you get the idea! I have always kept myself in control during bedtime, and lovingly but firmly "hauled" my kids to bed at bedtime. When he gets in a toddler bed, it will require the same thing. You choose a routine and stick to it. When they get out of bed, you take them back without any stimulation (negative or positive). Try watching Super Nanny on TV, she usually deals with bedtime routines with parents, and her way WORKS!!! I've been doing it long before my kids could get out of bed themselves. Remember, he will go through stages, going to bed good, then hassle you, etc... The key is for you to keep consistent. :)



answers from Denver on

Hi M.!
My son in general got a lot more "hyper" around that age anyway, so your son could be too. If giving him a bath right before bed seems to wind him up, maybe change your schedule a little bit. You could give him a bath earlier, allow for a little crazy play time, then it's time to go to his room for a story, and sleep...or whatever! With my son it has always helped for me to explain what we were going to do before we did it, and then during it, telling him, "we're having your bath right now, next we're going to...". I have always had to change my schedule with him a little as he changed. Be firm with your new routine and try stick to it. My advice would be to try not to make going to bed an issue, but rather, interest him in the next "activity" in your routine.
I hope this helps! Good luck!



answers from Salt Lake City on

Me too! Last night at midnight he was up running all over the place wanting to play! This was after he'd been asleep for 3 hours already. This is what I did. Turned on his nightlight, put some safe toys and books in his crib and I went to bed. I didn't hear another sound all night. He went straight to sleep. I also left his door open so he would not feel so alone. They get so frisky at this age. Maybe a nighttime friend to sleep with would help. Good luck!



answers from Denver on

Do a reward chart for every night he goes to bed without any issues. Try starting the day off with four story books, then at bedtime for every problem he causes he loses a book. This works wonders with my four year old as he loves stories in bed at night.
Try doing a calming routine before bed and mostly BE FIRM!
Do not allow there to be an issue even if you have to start the process earlier. Wear him out before the bath, tickles, hide and seek or a walk around the neighborhood. To be honest, sounds like he is just burning off steam.

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