Try the Baby Name Wizard online. It has a wild interactive graph, with years and history of the popularity of names.
Personally, we went with "Lucy". It's a family name on both sides. We also considered Grace, Pearl, Jewel (my grandmother's best friend), Ruby, Violet, Adelaide, Tallulah, Pepper, Lily, Lydia, Leila, Doshia, Doxie, Riley, Opal (these are all family names!).
Friends of ours went with: Hazel Rose, Calliope (Cal-i-o-pee), Ida, Ruby, Freya, Rose, Minta, Amelia, Emma, Zoe.
Tell him old fashioned names are in! All the girls have old lady names these days, as young ladies, they'll have sensible old fashioned names like "Millicent" that speak of more stability on a resume than say an "Aimee" or a "Mackayla". (Good grief, what are people thinking with these spellings?). And someday, they'll be old ladies with appropriate names.
A Katharine can always be called Kitty, and an Eleanor can be called Ellie. It's as much fun to have a formal name as it is to have a formal name that has a wonderful nickname!