Needing a Good Job

Updated on April 16, 2008
D.S. asks from Katy, TX
4 answers

In June, I'm heading back to work but don't know where to start. I've been employed as a pre-school teacher before, but I don't know if I still want to do that, cause the pay is not great. Plus most centers in my area I would have to pay for child care if my children go there, which adds up to $200-400 a month and I'll barely be making $600 if that a month.... I'd love to work from home, or somewhere close. And don't have any experiance aside from child care. Please help!!

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answers from San Antonio on

You should consider babysitting at your home. But make sure you are selective as to who you keep. Make sure the kids you keep are children that are similar in age to your kids so they can play together. And also, make sure that the parents have a set work schedule. You don't want to babysit kids who can't get picked up until late. You will want some time for just you and your family. I babysat two babies that got dropped off at 7 am and picked up by four and that left all afternoon for me to focus on my kids and my husband. If you charge $100 -$125 a week per child you could make some good money. Good luck.

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answers from Houston on

As I tell most moms with this question (and it's a big one, isn't it?!), you need to find your niche.

You may decide to work from home. If so, there are many direct-selling or network marketing companies you can join to make money (as I'm sure you'll hear), and if you're willing to put time and effort into it like a real job, you will be rewarded with a real paycheck. I happen to work for one called Ignite, switching electric accounts, and I have been very happy with the business and with the company itself. You can always send me a quick message if you're interested.

I also teach music lessons from home. It's my niche. It's what I have a degree in and it's what I enjoy doing. I make a lot more money teaching lessons from home on my own terms than I would if I went back to work as a band director. Since you have a lot of experience in day care, running an at-home day care may be up your alley. Just be careful to do your research beforehand to make sure you are dotting your i's and crossing your t's. What licenses do you need? Do you need to be CPR and First-Aid certified? What are you required to do as the in-home provider? Is there a limit to the number of children you can take in, either imposed by yourself or by the laws?

In any case, you can probably make a sizeable amount of money doing whatever you're willing to throw yourself headfirst into. The point is sticking it out to make it something that continues to bless your family financially.

I hope you find something that works for you, and if you're interested in an opportunity like Ignite, just let me know and I'll send you the link to a video where you can get all the info.

Take care!


answers from Houston on

I work from home and love it! I can teach you how to do the same, no experience needed. Msg me I'll tell ya more.
Peace Mama, A.



answers from Houston on

Childcare would be good to do if you like to work with children. I noticed that someone already responded saying you could make 100-125 per week per child. Unless you are liscensed, that is a bit high as most people look to home daycares as a way to save money rather then going to a daycare facility. Not sure what the laws are here, as I just moved from GA, but there it is up to 4 children(including you own) if you are not liscensed. I did daycare for a long time and I charged between 70-90 per week depending on the hours and parents income.

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