I would start by cutting out the daytime feedings and offer her a cup of water or milk instead.(if she doesn't have a bottle I wouldn't start now because then you have to wean off that too). When you get her down to two feedings a day, bedtime and first in the morning, try having dad get up with her in the morning and putting her to bed at night for a few days in a row. It's great for dad too, because he can be more involved and establish his own routine with her. This worked well with both my kids. Then when you go back to getting up in the morning with her again, if she tries to initiate feeding, just gently tell her that you don't do that anymore. Also, if you have a usual feeding spot, try to avoid sitting there for a while until she is definitely weaned.
Hope that helps, good luck!
S. G.
Mother of two, 3 and 6 years