I agree with A.C. Try swaddling and just hold her. She's so tiny and remember that she's used to being "held" by you 24/7 so it feels more comfortable for her to be snuggled in close and warm. You absolutely cannot spoil a baby this little so you may just have to rotate holding her! Also, maybe she just doesn't like the bassinet...was she a big baby? My daughter didn't really care where she was, but my son did not like that bassinet at all! He was bigger so I think he felt a little too constricted and we couldn't really use it for him. More likely though, she probably just needs a good swaddle! Sleep training will come into play at about 3-4 months, but I doubt she'll be this needy the entire time so don't worry! Hang in there, it does get better, it just takes a while! The first 3 months are rough, the next three are still tough but after 6 months things get easier!