Is he scheduling a mamogram? While it is most likely nothing, it still needs to be confimred. I had a lump, I had been drinking a tea that was suposed to help with breast milk, well it sent my body into a hormonal rage, and I ended have a fattty tumor that was rapidily growing. Even though my docotr was sure it was fine I was in for a mamogram immedietly. I was scared witless until my result came back. But I am so glad we just did it, and had it over with withing two weeks.
Good thoughts to you. Have you heard abotu the eleectronice ciggerettes? I am using premuim brand. And while it is pricey to start I have almost quit real smoke alltogether. It is little harsh, but much better than other nicotine products I have used in the past. My Doc reccomended me try them, since she has tried everything else on me. Love her she never does give it up.