I - and probably alot of other moms here really do know what you are going through. It is discouraging when the weight just doesn't fall off when it seems you are doing everything right and you are used to being slimmer. It can just downright suck! :) But...there is always a but....the more children we have, the weight gets a little more difficult to take off. It's the nature of our bodies that probably has more to do with thousands of years of perfect evolution than anything else. You are doing everything you can to stay physically healthy - that's awesome! Look at what your body is doing now, it's an amazing thing. Not only did you give birth twice, but you are able to run after your 2 year old, take care of a newborn, workout, and everything else you can physically do because you have been blessed with a healthy body. I know it is hard. Our culture doesn't make it easier for women to accept their bodies for what they are either.
I want to tell you not to worry about it. You are young, the weight will come off soon. Be patient.You can do it. Lots of cheerleading words - yes? If that is all you need, then go with that and disregard the rest of my post:)
Really, the only way you are going to feel better about yourself is to change your perspective. I am not saying that you have to just live with being 20 pounds over your ideal wieght for the rest of your life. You can accept what it is in the moment, and still have a goal. Ask yourself these questions. (write them out...journaling is an excellent way to work through our thoughts and feelings.)
*How would I feel if I just didnt' worry about my wieght? at the wieght I am RIGHT NOW.
*What are the thousand of other things that are truly beautiful about me -inside and out?
*What is my essence? and *Who is my essence?
*What is really true about me?
*Why do I feel that I have to look a certain way -right now?
*In what ways can I accept my body for what it is right now? Think HARD about this one. YOur first reaction will be to say. "I can't and don't want to accept my body right now." Right?
*How can I focus on what my body is doing right now. What it can do?
You see, most of everything we think and beleive comes from old agreements and old belief systems passed on to us by parents, society, family, friends, strangers, our own judges in our own minds.....but most of it really isn't true. The only thing that is really true, is your Divine Core. What is your truth M.? It has absolutely nothing to do with what others think, what is out there in our culture, what you think about yourself, what roles you have, your experiences, your wieght. Though all of that is important, it's all surface stuff. Go deeper, go within.
I know all of this sounds deep and maybe a bunch of bunk to you. You just want to lose 20 pounds and fast right? But I think it goes deeper than that. And my heartfelt wish for all women - especially moms- is to really know who they are.
You deserve it, your children deserve it, and everyone else in your life and who who touch deserve it.
Much good energy for a truth filled life and may you walk the path of your own heart.