When he wakes up to eat does he go right back to sleep or is he up for a while? Are you nursing, pumping, using formula or combination?
I have twins who are now four years old but I remember around that stage that tightening up their schedule helped a lot with regular sleep and eating. Before about 6 months I just let them nap wherever -- car seat, swing, bouncy seat, etc. But around 5 or 6 months I started putting them in their cribs for naps which helped a lot. They napped longer and slept all night. Basically they were up two hours, down two hours all day and then slept 6-7 hours at night.
I pumped a lot. It wasn't fun but they weren't hungry since I knew how much they were consumming at every feeding. I almost always assume that waking babies are hungry. They digest so fast it's amazing. Even though you feel like they just ate, it's possible for them to be hungry every hour.
I would try modulating his routine a little more carefully and see if that helps him feel more comfortable in his own crib and if you're willing to try a bottle with breast milk or formula or a breast milk/formula mix it might help to give him that at his last feeding before bed.
Good luck!