I would caution you not to rush giving table foods. Your baby will indicate that she is ready for them.
My child is 13.5 mo. and has just started to feed herself with soft peas without the skins, soft rice, even meat. She did this suddenly, so I am really surprised. She is my 3rd child, so I have some experience with this. I still feel surprised. (She is not ready for the dry cereals, though many kids her age are.)
For quite awhile she has been eating lumpy cereal--baby oatmeal or rice cereal with just a bit of water or mixed with fruit baby food. Is your baby doing this? This makes for a nice transition to table food. Also, since this is your first baby, I'll say that she might be interested in touching the food without eating it. And don't be alarmed when she first eats it. It is likely to come out looking very much like it did when she ate it! She is still exploring. A lot of trial and error will be involved, too, to see which foods she likes.
Have fun with this. I mainly want you to know that your baby will give you cues. You and baby, not the daycare, should be the ones who decide what she eats.