Need Help with Rash

Updated on June 26, 2009
C.Z. asks from San Francisco, CA
31 answers

Hi Moms,

I have an issue that I need help with and Kind of embarrased about it but luckily I won't ever need to see any faces while expressing this issee. My issue is that I have a rash in 2 spots of my body..First let me say that this rash occured when I was about 3 months pregnant with my son who is now 5 yrs old. I informed my Dr. about this at the time and he didn't really do anything about eventually got real bad. It started off as a small little rash right below my belly on my pubic ithced so out of then got bigger and bigger and now has spread all over my pubic hair, buttom of stomach, inner thighs and right arm pit..the rash afer scratching over the years have caused a dark scar under the arm pit and all over my pubic hair..the first like 2 yrs it would itch so out of contol all day every day.. I have tried to use itching cremes that dr.s have perscirbed to me but they didn't work and left a bad oder..I dont have that 24/7 itch but It does itch constantly..ONLY EXTERIOR..not in vagina so I dont think it's a yeast infection.. I notice that it itches the most when moist or dry..can't find that in between comfort..I tried Vagisil Cream as well..not working..I would scratch and itch so bad that i can't possibly NOT scratch...I scratch so much that it would leave scabs and burn.. I dont know what is wrong..Please Please dont think I am a nasty person or judge me cause I am not..

I would like to hear any advice that any of you may have on what is goign on and how can I stop it permanently and get rid of the scar?????

I am getting married next year to my sons father in June and dont want to be itching and scratching my wedding day..I know that something health wise is not right, but I dont know what it is..One dr..I went and saw said it was a Fungus..but he also had a hard time doing my papsmear properly so i dont know if that is accurate or not..

If anyone has any advice I would really be open to hear it..Thank for for taking the time to read this and not judge me..It's really embarrasing and feel like I am the only one going through this like somethign is wrong with ME personally. I never had any issues down there until i was pregnant..and it just got worse and worse over the years..I thought it would go away and was too embarrased to tell a dr. about last year..

God Bless you all

C. Z

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answers from San Francisco on

You definitely need to see a dermatologist right away, and work with him or her. Don't just give up if the first thing they suggest doesn't work; call the doctor back and have him or her prescribe something else, and keep calling back until the doctor finds the solution. I don't know why you would be embarrassed, or be worried that someone would think you were "nasty," just because you got a rash or a skin condition of some sort.

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answers from Fresno on

I had something like that happen to me when I was pregnant, and it was a fungus. They prescribed a cream and it went away. Please call a good dermatologist right away and have them test and treat the rash! I remember how uncomfortable it was; I hope you find relief soon!

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answers from San Francisco on

I had a similar rash when I was pregnant but it did not last. You poor thing! I would recommend talking to your doctor again and asking for a referral to a dermatologist, immediately. You should not have to go through this. Good luck!

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answers from Sacramento on

I would change doctors! Also, I would go to a dermotologist.

Just curious, do you use neosporin? I ask that because I used it, you know, here and there, and one day I cut myself shaving and put it on and I started getting a rash... so I kept putting it on to get rid of the rash and it got worse and worse. Found out I was allergic to mycin which is in the neosporin. Doc said that you can use it for years and all of a sudden you become allergic to mycin. Just a thought.

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answers from San Francisco on

Hi C.,

First I just have to say that you should never be ashamed or embarrassed about your body and whatever is going on with you. I am no doctor, but it truly sounds like a yeast infection on the outside combined with a fungal issue-- maybe ringworm/jock itch? Try getting monistat and a cream for jock itch. That should make you feel better after a few days- if it doesn't, I would go back to your doctor and insist that they diagnose and treat you. Itching can be miserable and especially if its in private areas~ I hope that you feel better~


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answers from San Francisco on

I would email your doctor or call him so you don't have to make an appointment just to get a referral to a dermatologist. Sometimes they make you come in so they can see if you actually need to be referred but most of the time they'll just hook you up. You should go see a skin doctor and have your skin looked at by someone who specializes in skin problems. After I gave birth I got a bad rash on my hands and it itched so bad. I thought it was fungus or something too and tried a lot of over the counter medicines. After seeing a dermatologist I actually got a prescription for a cream that worked better than all of all my experimenting and guessing.

Call your doctor and ask for a referral to a dermatologist. Sometimes they can make the appointment for you and just call you to tell you when and where to go.

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answers from San Francisco on

It could be a fungus maybe -- no one has prescribed antifungal creme? Actually, come to think of it, I think Vagisil is an antifungal creme. You need a good dermatologist, not a lot of guesses from the moms on this site.

I'm surprised this has gone on this long. You need to get on the phone, right now, and see doctor after doctor until someone takes care of this. There is absolutely no reason you should keep suffering like this, and these doctors are way out of line to keep letting you endure this.

DO NOT be embarrassed, no one will think you were the cause of this. Skin things happen.

In terms of the scar, it's probably a pretty surface scar if it's from scratching, and maybe even something like Retin A could help remove it, but you can't use anything like that until you have gotten rid of the underlying problem. Clear up the rash first, then take care of the scar.

Hopefully you have good health insurance, so while these inept doctors are taking your money you can keep going until you find someone competent who gives a damn.

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answers from Sacramento on

You poor thing! Don't be embarrassed, I'm sure every one of us has had some weird embarassing health issue at one time and so that means doctors have seen plenty of us!! You should go to a dermatologist and get to the bottom of it, they will know a lot better what it is than a OBgyn or a primary doc. Another thought I didn't see mentioned. Have you tried a Benadryl cream on it? Allergies can have crazy ways of expressing themselves in our bodies. I have a patch on my knee that popped up this year, is constantly red and itchy, benadryl gives me a little relief. I have allergies that seem to get worse every year. Best of luck, I would keep pressing docs to get an answer!

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answers from San Francisco on

Try wearing loose clothing day and night, with no undies.
Call your doctor and ask him/her to prescribe you NYSTATIN.
It is a burly anti--fungal creme. I got a tube for my daughters yeasty diaper rash and have used it on myself for athletes foot as well.
Another suggestion I have is GRAPEFRUIT SEED EXTRACT. This stuff is insane. It says to water it down a bunch, but I would put 3-4 drops on a wet cotton ball and put it on the rash.
It is slightly foamy/lathery, and may sting a tiny bit.
I have used it on all sorts of cuts scrapes, weird rashes, etc. You can get it pretty cheap at a health foods store.
It made my persistent athletes foot rash clear up in 2 days! A friend of mine put some in a glass of water and drank it for intestinal problems and pooped out a ton of worms the next day. EEK!

If neither of those things work, I would definitely insist on being referred to a dermatologist.

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answers from Fresno on

You really need to go to a Dr so they can see it maybe take a culture if need be. Don't ever be embarrassed to talk to a Dr about anything. They have seen and heard things far worse than anything you might tell them. A fungus can be like what you described. I have an exchange student that had a rash on her bosy with little spots and the doctor gave her a high dose Benedryl injection. I would also try OTC Hydrocotisone cream to see if that helps. You can get a yeast infection on any body part as well. See the Dr you don't ewant to pass it to your little guy or your fiancee. Try to keep the area dry by putting anti perspirant/deodorant on it.

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answers from Fresno on

Don't feel bad about having a medical problem! its not your fault! You need to go to a dermatologist, he will be able to figure out what is causing it and get rid of it. If it is a fungus there may be some pill you need to take and a cream. but it can be fixed and you don't need to tolerate it.
Good Luck

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answers from Sacramento on

C. -

I am so sorry for your condition, how frustrating that must be. Yes, something is definitely wrong and if the body hasn't self-corrected by now, you have some sort of toxicity going on - probably yeast or a fungus like you said. My recommendation is to go to a Naturopath doctor. I suggest this because he/she will treat you from the inside-out. NOt just prescribe a tropical cream. I would get on this right away because there seems to be some imbalance in your body and you don't know what it could (or is) leading too. Thanks for having the courage to put it out there. In any event a good naturopath doctor will be able to offer some remedies that won't cause other problems. Good luck!

M. S

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answers from Redding on

Dear C.,
For one thing, no need to be embarrassed around here.
After all, what could be more embarrassing than about 20 people in and out of a room with your legs in stirrups trying to push a baby out? Sometimes, modesty goes right out the window.
There are a couple of things I'm thinking. One is to try Benedryl to see if it clears up the rash. It could be hives of some sort. My daughter mysteriously got them when she was little from time to time and benedryl had them cleared up by the next morning. The other thing I was thinking is that it could be a surface yeast infection. They have creams you can use for it and pills that you can take orally. I know a young girl who was constantly battling yeast infections in her armpits. They gave her some cream and had her use organic deodorant and it cleared up.
I would say to keep yourself dry and aired out as much as possible. During the day, wear a dress with no panties on so your skin can breathe. Be sure to wear something that won't irritate your armpit. Be sure you wear only cotton underwear when you have to.
If anti-fungal treatments don't work, discuss with your doctor the fact it could be caused by the herpes virus.
I had shingles so bad when I was pregnant it almost killed me and it's a form of herpes. Not the sexually transmitted kind, but when I feel a breakout coming on, I get it on my left breast and it goes around toward my back, they give me acyclovir and it clears it up. It just starts out as a little rash.
Whatever you do, no matter how much it itches, don't scratch it. Try ice packs to numb the surface of your skin. Little babies even get yeast infections in their diaper areas so there is treatment for it. I think you need something a little stronger than over the counter and to really let yourself air dry as much as possible.
You're not gross...just miserable, and I'm sure you can get a handle on it if you bug your doctor enough.
My mother in law used to tell me about her yeast infection episodes which wasn't so bad until she started describing how it was all over dad too because of their busy sex life. So.....stranger things than what you're going through have happened.

The scar will go away in time...but stop the scratching.
Just come right out and tell your doctor you need something to get you through this. Antifungal. Antiviral. Anti-itch. Something.

Best of wishes.

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answers from Sacramento on

Rashes suck! I feel for you! I have eczema myself and let me tell you, it pops up everywhere! I've had it on my fingers--- everywhere! and one nurse actually told me to put athlete's foot meds on it!!!!! I don't know what anti-itch meds you've tried, but if the hydrocortosone types help just a little, you might check into eczema... it actually starts out with little pimply like liquid bumps for some people and then just gets red and scar-y like if you can't get it under control... It usually starts when I'm under lots of stress, but food can be a trigger for some people, too, it is allergy related in some cases... but for me , it's stress... I have a strong steroid cream that I use to keep it under control. My second child and my Mom have it as well, it is genetic. Also, watch your diet and see if your rash changes when you eat certain foods. Good luck!

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answers from Sacramento on

I had a rash under my breasts and suffered with it for a long time.. and like you, showed it to the Dr. who didn't seem to take it seriously at all. Finally it developed a familiar odor, which I recognized as a yeast odor. And since yeast is a fungus type of infection, I began using an anti-fungal creme I had on hand. It took about three days for it to be completely gone. I suggest you try an anti-fungal, and if that doesn't clear it, then definitely see a dermatologist. However, if you have developed a bad scar from scratching, I'm not sure if you can totally get rid of that. It may be that once the rash is gone, the scar will also fade.

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answers from San Francisco on

Hello C.: I hope that you have contacted a dermatiologist by now . We saw something like this on our son and it turned out to be the very beginning of porisis. What ever the case it needs help. I saw that you were planning on marriage next year but if you have waited 5 years don't let a rash stop you. Moisture in areas that you decribe is where germs, fungis, and skin conditions are a breeding ground. You might also find out if there are other family members even extended family that has anything simular. You might be surprized to learn that it is a family genetic problem. On more that one issue I have found someone in the family who says call so and so they have something simular. About the scar-- there isn't much that can be done to help with that without surgery. There are some good creams that may help. But accept it and don't let it control you it's not who you are. Good Luck with the cure! Nana G

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answers from Redding on

Hi C., you should buy some over the counter anti- fungal cream, the cream is usually for athleats feet but it is just anti-fungal, I think it is called clortomozal Im not sure it i spelled that correctly. Anyway, it should help, I get weird rashes on my arms sometimes and this makes it go away. You are not weird in any way, just a normal person who happened to get a rash (just like me). Hang in there and dont be so hard on yourself.
good luck,
Go buy the anti-fungal cream, they sell it at walgreens or rite aid. It helps.

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answers from Salinas on

C. it sound like eczema,cortizone 10 would work

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answers from Chico on

Terbinafine is the active ingredient of the fungus cream that worked best for me when I finally got rid of my althlete's foot (I had tried three other active ingredients and still had a rash). It is suitable for Jock Itch, too, so it should work for you if your rash is indeed a fungus. You apply it externally for one week for jock itch, once a day according to the tube. I would reccommend cutting your pubic hair very short and using the cream liberally, overlapping to seemingly unaffected areas just to be sure. If it doesn't go away after a week, go back to the doctor (or a different doctor).

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answers from San Francisco on

Hi C.,

I had a really bad rash too during my pregnancy. My son was born with severe eczema. We tried everything the doctor prescribed and subscribed. Nothing helped. Then a friend of mine informed me about Emu oil. It really worked. I googled it and found a local vendor in the Napa valley. Order a small bottle to try it first. A little of it goes a long way. Emu oil is pure and no steroid hormones added to it unlike hydrocrotizone and the other itchy creams.

Good luck!!

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answers from San Francisco on

If the doctor said it was a fungus then you need a fungacid like Lamisil. It is very possible that what is happening is your BF and you are trading the fungus back and forth when you are intimate. Ask him if he has any issues as well and treat him too. IF that doesn't work you should talk to your doctor again and get something from the pharmacy.

No one is going to judge you hun. =) We all have issues, large and small! =)

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answers from Sacramento on

If that was your OB or primary care doctor who has not been able to help in getting rid of the rash then see a dermatologist. I have a really good one. Did you switch any laundry detergents or softeners at that time or since? My kids get itchy rashes if I do that or if I give them different soap to use. You many have developed an allergy to something while pregnant and you still have the allergy. I became allergic to several things when I got pregnant the first time, and I am still allergic to them 20 years later. Good luck
W. M.

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answers from Sacramento on

I'm thinking you might want to be referred to a dermatologist...sounds like you are having some issues with your hair folicles husband tends to have problems like this..but he has an oily a little, i would say if your general dr. has exhausted all thier diagnosis....go to a dermatologist.

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answers from Yuba City on

Hi C., don't worry we all have weird stuff happen to our bodies,,,,especially when and after pregnancy!! I had a weird rash, not like yours but weird and the only thing that worked for me was going to a dermatologist... I actually had to get three opinions before I really knew what was happening. Ended up I had nerve damage from shingles that looked like a rash..weird! Good luck .

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answers from Sacramento on

Please don't be embarrassed. Drs have a way of making you feel like you have a mental problem when they just can't be bothered to provide proper care. Every one gets sick from time to time. You didn't say if you had been to a dermatologist (dr who deals with skin), but I suspect you haven't. This gynecologist who told you fungus ought to have sent you to one. Ask around for a recommendation or get a referral from your primary care doc. Don't take no for an answer.

As to what it could be, it could be anything from a food allergy to a problem with your immune system. The best way to find out and treat it is to go to a doctor who knows enough about these kinds of issues.

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answers from San Francisco on

Hi C.,
I would suggest that you see a Dermatologist, someone who specializes in skin problems. You might have something called enzema(not sure of the spelling) I would definitly encourage you to see this type of doctor, it has nothing to do with hygiene and you probably need some specific medication. Hope you feel better.


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answers from San Francisco on

Hi C.

Did any of the docs ever mention hives? could be this is what you have. hives are hard to get rid of in that, warmth makes them worse (hence the reason so many people get them in areas that are clothed and or areas from which we perspire. In addition, hives (as I have read) need to run their cycle which can be weeks to even months.. things do trigger hives such as stress and or different foods. Also, yeast is not just something you can have vaginally, in fact yeast (fungus) can manifest itself via the skin. Our skin being our biggest organ of the body is susceptible to outbreaks, whether hive, acne and or yeast. You could very well have an over abundance of it in your system (every one has it) it's just that in some cases, it's gets out of control often due to diet.. for example, too much sugar, white flour, cured foods, etc can make it worse and perpetuate it's growth. antibiotics can also make it worse. I would suggest that your doctor (or an alternative doctor) check you for yeast (candida albicans) find out what is going on on the INSIDE. you can also read up about candida on the net. See IF you have some of the symptoms. I find that at times, you have to research things and then take it to your doctor.
I wish you the best!

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answers from San Francisco on

Christiana, Call today; dont wait any longer. There is no reason you should be this miserable. A few months back my son developed a weird rash. At first we tried anti-fungal cream which helped but didnt take away the problem. It took using both the anti-fungal cream and a topical sterioid (prescribed by doctor)to get rid of it. It has been years since I have had a yeast infection but just a side note regarding vaginal creams: There are two major ones on the market with different ingreidents - for me personally, as may be the case with you, one makes things worse for me and one helps. Until you can get into the doctors maybe try a different brand. I hope you get relief soon!!

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answers from San Francisco on

it can be a yeast infection without being inside your vagina: i've had them in my armpits (yeast bacteria love warm moist places!) -
you do the vaginal yeast cream twice a day on the rash (clean and dry rash) for ONE WEEK then switch to lamisil, an athletes' foot cream, get the one that says "cream to powder" because it dries into a powder and helps keep the area dry and healing -
this advice was givin to me by a nurse of 45 years and it worked like a miricle!
best of luck: if you do have a yeast infection rash, they ARE torture! itchy and painful! they spread w/out treatment and by scratching the bacteria around (so stop scratching!!!!) -

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answers from Redding on

It sounds like the areas that are itching are the glad areas. Areas where toxins are released. Maybe its a toxin coming out of your body? Just and idea. I would try to go a natural route not an RX. If you have a certified herbalist in your area I would definelty try that first! Good luck and your are not disgusting.



answers from San Francisco on

You need to see a dermatologist. Have your primary doctor refer you to one. He obviously doesn't know what it is or how to help you. You'll be amazed by their intelligence because they've seen it before on someone and if they haven't, they'll most likely test your skin.
good luck

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