Need Help with "BRAZINESS" of New Highlights

Updated on February 08, 2009
K.H. asks from Swords Creek, VA
5 answers

I recently had my hair highlighted, with red and blonde. It now seem like the color is so brassy. The colors seem to have faded together. Any suggestions.

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answers from Lexington on

you need so to get a shampoo to counteract the brassiness. you are probably right, some of the red may have bled onto the blonde when it was washed. go to the salon and ask for a shampoo called so silver, it's by matrix. it's purple and it will tone down the brass of the blonde. you only need to do it for a couple of times, and then maybe once a week for maintenence purposes.

P.s. i forget to mention that i've been a hair dresser fr the last 8 years.

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answers from Charlotte on

You need a toner or you can rinse once with a Purple shampoo. I have blonde highlighted hair and when I get a bad dye job I have purple shampoo to tone it down, my last hair stylist gave it to me. You can get this shampoo at any decent hair salon or wallgreens or walmart might even carry it now. They sell all different colors, red, green, purple. I once had my blonde hair dyed brown and it turned green so I had to wash with a red shampoo, took the green right out! You just want to rinse once or once a week because it can strip your hair. Another fix is buy a toner you put on after each shower it washes out each time you shampoo your hair. Walmart and drugstores sell this it comes in a gray and pink bottle and comes in lots of shades, can't remeber the brand it should be near all the hair color boxes. I usually get one for gray hair because it has a purple tint to it. The other thing you could do is go back to the salon and tell them to put a toner on your hair that will totally correct the braziness.




answers from Raleigh on

I am a natural blonde, but water minerals sometimes make my hair a little brassy. I use Shimmering Lights shampoo. I actually use the generic at Sally's Beauty (if you have them where you live), but you can get it at any beauty supply store. Be careful to only use it every other day, as it can make blonde hair/highlights look grayish if used too much.



answers from Louisville on

K., they can put a toner on it to tone it down. You should consider returning to the salon, they may cut you a deal since they are the ones who did it. If you didn't go to a salon, then I would call a salon and explain the circumstances. :)



answers from Charlotte on

Go go to Sally Beauty supply and they have a purple shampoo... ask them. I can't remember the name of it, but it totally works! Completely brightens up your highlights and takes that brassy look out. Its worth a try.

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